Typical - MuteMath

This quote was added by user705660
Come on, can't I dream for one day there's nothing that can't be done? But how long should it take somebody, before they can be someone? 'Cause I know there's got to be another level, somewhere closer to the other side. And I'm feeling like it's now or never. Can I break the spell of the typical?

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Name WPM Accuracy
typin_ 160.46 96.1%
alliekarakosta 147.73 99.3%
user491757 142.15 97.7%
user81230 136.75 99%
theprivateeye 128.80 96.7%
rossgshaffer 126.63 99%
user9212 125.66 99.3%
strikeemblem 124.48 94.6%
venerated 123.03 96.5%
zekester2018 122.66 96.1%

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stephendumeyer 103.44 95.8%
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user817767 92.33 96.1%
jena83 67.63 94.3%
stevendiao 86.04 91.7%
user349339 67.87 99.3%
user949982 96.02 98.7%