This quote was added by arun01
I feel like I am in the air and the air in my palm. But actually I am in a dream where I am dreaming about a girl. So put your hands up in the air and cheer for me one, two, three, four... La la la lalalalaaaa.

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wisteria 12 years, 2 months ago
Unfixable in terms of content...

I s should be capitalized.
wisteria 12 years, 2 months ago
Unfixable in terms of content...

I s should be capitalized.

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
claudie319 96.42 97.2%
gwaldrop 94.81 95.9%
delacruz.danilojr 93.52 96.8%
user80864 89.57 96.3%
rfemery22 87.23 96.8%
user107512 85.13 95.9%
kmfski10 80.83 97.2%
galaxy.speck. 69.14 94.2%
helven 67.56 93.8%

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user105219 61.11 94.6%
helven 67.56 93.8%
delacruz.danilojr 93.52 96.8%
rfemery22 87.23 96.8%
user80864 89.57 96.3%
iriial_ 45.09 90.2%
galaxy.speck. 69.14 94.2%
user307265 62.07 92.5%