Word Lines - Kurisu Makise

This quote was added by s-chengrac
Maybe there are copies of me on countless world lines. Maybe all their minds are connected, forming a single "me." That sounds wonderful, don't you think? Being in all times and in all places.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user491757 134.86 99.0%
user871724 131.70 99.0%
freu 121.81 99.5%
dcb87 119.68 99.5%
marchtoglory 119.60 97.5%
nkjdhf 117.53 99.0%
user74975 117.33 95.0%
user8116 116.26 97.0%
ducky3028 115.88 97.0%
tetriks4 113.99 96.5%

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typing4ever 64.37 99.0%
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magesh 83.36 93.7%
sskanan1988 14.92 91.4%
user724289 103.96 96.5%