Something - Somebody

This quote was added by odaemon
Somebody told me something, I heard that it had to do with something, that it'll be useful to somebody, some day. But eh, who would know that somebody.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 200.02 100%
suikacider 186.78 99.3%
johnymaccarroni 182.64 100%
hololivefan 177.77 100%
strikeemblem 162.85 99.3%
user491757 162.51 100%
practicebutt69 162.34 100%
berryberryberry 161.25 96.2%
user381085 160.34 99.3%
user267992 160.10 98.1%

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jacqueline1234 88.74 92.1%
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user110301 93.53 98.1%
user724289 105.28 98.7%
jacktype 77.78 100%
forkhunter 149.05 98.7%
user660825 108.76 95.0%
mentalist 114.29 96.8%