Q-Learning - Simplilearn

This quote was added by maratimus
Q-Learning is a Reinforcement learning policy which will find the next best action, given a current state. It chooses this action at random and aims to maximize the reward.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
ajennings17 86.72 98.9%
smartboynaresh 85.21 97.2%
user71766 80.29 96.1%
user88882 79.13 96.1%
user104405 77.18 94.5%
ashields2018 75.64 98.9%
yoko 69.98 95.6%
user781461 66.27 94.5%
ephemeralwildflower 65.44 88.7%
kris10 59.43 98.9%

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Name WPM Accuracy
musicalsunrises 59.14 95.6%
nbattag768 3.70 87.9%
user104405 77.18 94.5%
flajoy 48.27 91.1%
user781461 66.27 94.5%
user88882 79.13 96.1%
user71766 80.29 96.1%
ephemeralwildflower 65.44 88.7%