Verity Bandau

This quote was added by neveronground
The fact that daughter does not rhyme with laughter is a travesty. The fact that daughter can rhyme with slaughter does not make up for it. Poems about granddaughters' manslaughter work excellently.

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user871724 151.41 83.9%
69buttpractice 137.25 98.0%
suikacider 136.70 98.0%
venerated 132.64 99%
user291759 129.39 99.5%
alliekarakosta 126.30 98.0%
seantype2510 125.61 98.5%
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junkbaby 124.59 97.1%
user74975 122.80 96.6%

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user111093 26.24 82.8%
user111413 38.17 86.5%
petrolfume 82.54 92.5%