Pure ecstasy - Paul Latay

This quote was added by paulhasbigkok
Sometimes I just need to have a good time. However, I sleep next to my brother. And as such, the only amount of pleasure I can get is a good eyeball massage.

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weesin 5 years, 4 months ago
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Name WPM Accuracy
typin_ 170.79 96.9%
destiny2 161.16 97.5%
hiramisu 152.23 98.7%
marchtoglory 140.92 97.5%
user491757 136.56 95.2%
blablablaaa 129.56 100%
user851491 126.52 97.5%
iltranscendent 125.87 97.5%
strikeemblem 121.13 95.7%
algo 116.74 100%

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user851491 120.24 96.3%
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bkbroiler 86.29 92.9%
user238119 59.09 86.3%
evilmelon250 70.15 93.5%
user110301 94.36 96.3%
adriana-b 67.89 95.2%
hugoturnerdede 89.30 96.3%