Best Quote - Petcham

This quote was added by petcham
This quote makes me want to kill myself. Not because it's bad. But because it's masterful. It's so masterful that I come to realize the true pointlessness of my actions, endeavors and ambitions. Nothing I will ever do will ever reach the unparalleled ingenuity of this excellent quote. Why live when you know you will never be able to reach such heights? Why hope? Why exist?

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typin_ 145.99 96.6%
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geryjs 101.34 97.9%
npabs 101.11 95.7%
user91712 95.12 96.4%
memory_allocation 94.41 97.2%
user80864 93.39 97.9%
trishadgk 90.16 89.9%
m_murasaki 88.68 97.7%

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