ME! - Taylor Swift ft. Brandon Urie

This quote was added by user75440
But one of these things is not like the others Like a rainbow with all of the colors Baby doll, when it comes to a lover I promise that you'll never find another like.

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caitlinmarie94 5 years ago
Terrible song.
weesin 5 years, 7 months ago
There are punctuation and capitalization issues. This is why song lyrics aren't allowed on this site

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user871724 174.37 96.6%
xmaddockmark 158.12 98.2%
meowcatmary 128.70 100%
strikeemblem 120.35 98.2%
iltranscendent 118.09 93.8%
user660825 116.13 96.5%
jsaechao 114.20 92.3%
geryjs 112.07 94.9%
shawnsmith91 107.74 97.7%
user843630 106.94 100%

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