Ana Vale

This quote was added by user4520178
Every minute you spend thinking about the past is another 60 seconds of the present you will never get back. Don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future.

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Name WPM Accuracy
bmcgoo 144.97 100%
user851491 130.86 98.1%
marchtoglory 128.98 94.1%
dcb87 128.46 100%
joshr 126.00 97.5%
heyitsmelx 117.58 95.8%
ellxi39 110.00 97.0%
cholloway526 107.27 100%
trishadgk 106.54 93.0%
yagoliz 103.40 98.8%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user99861 52.96 93.0%
heyitsmelx 117.58 95.8%
bmcgoo 144.97 100%
joshr 126.00 97.5%
user851491 130.86 98.1%
user104405 93.07 98.2%
itsabhi01 92.08 96.4%
dcb87 128.46 100%