A. J. McLean

This quote was added by k0000
The biggest misconception about me is the bad-boy image that everyone stuck me into due to my tattoos, drug days and the constant changes I make with my hair color.

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plex_is_better 137.72 98.2%
2001or2 137.00 92.7%
user871724 134.92 96.5%
shabooty 115.87 99.4%
jeffreyder 115.69 99.4%
user68327 115.64 99.4%
sputype 112.90 96.5%
ntjess 102.58 95.9%
gwaldrop 100.15 97.0%
alexandradjones 99.93 97.0%

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2001or2 137.00 92.7%
m_murasaki 85.46 93.8%
user871724 134.92 96.5%
sharpfinro 57.88 98.8%
abbcg 29.10 97.0%
dyann 76.47 92.7%
gwaldrop 85.35 92.7%
mzakharova 37.38 98.8%