
This quote was added by brandencant
One of my favorite things about this website is the awesome amount of wholesome quotes that I get to type and think about. It's a simple, small thing that puts a smile on my face.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 178.27 97.8%
hiramisu 144.46 97.8%
dcb87 130.22 97.8%
milk15 127.25 97.8%
trishadgk 125.57 98.4%
marib 125.45 92.7%
noobplayer 114.16 96.2%
paranoidminotaur 113.18 97.3%
ozymandias037 112.68 95.7%
user386827 112.52 97.3%

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Name WPM Accuracy
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user97580 77.29 97.8%
ashields2018 90.40 100%
user98997 85.63 100%
user871724 172.23 97.8%
baboom 79.04 94.7%