Lord Of The Rings - J.R.R Tolken

This quote was added by scott-cawthon
In place of the Dark Lord you will have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Treacherous as the sea! Stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love me and despair!

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typin_ 133.80 94.7%
melodet 107.61 99.5%
marchtoglory 104.65 91.6%
strikeemblem 102.95 96.6%
mgreen22097 97.95 98.5%
rohitbalaji_123 97.70 98.5%
joetwz123 95.02 95.6%
gwaldrop 92.72 93.8%
npabs 91.84 94.7%
tedwom 91.41 95.6%

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user349339 47.95 90.0%
acer1976 51.72 97.0%
andrew2002 67.18 95.6%