Water - Tampa, Fla

This quote was added by muhammadraza
Water covers 70 percent of Earth's surface, yet most of it is unusable, which is why many people around the world struggle to get enough of it. Nearly 97 percent is salty or otherwise undrinkable.

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typin_ 165.44 97.5%
user871724 142.06 95.6%
netramz 134.37 100%
kyle_w 100.85 93.8%
jgdude 94.58 93.8%
dakotaarrow 84.32 94.7%
user85658 80.28 99.5%
user90997 80.27 93.3%
donoshea 79.21 92.9%
fondtermite 78.62 97.5%

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donoshea 79.21 92.9%
donoshea 78.91 95.1%
cyjnk 49.29 92.6%