Easiest one there is - Miso soup

This quote was added by user00021
This will be the easiest typing test you have ever done before. Now all I need to do is fill this up so there are 150 words. Well it may not be the easiest but it will be one.

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Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
keisuke 101.40 95.1%
user91712 92.50 95.6%
reamerton 81.72 97.2%
user949982 79.00 93.1%
soymilk00 77.73 98.9%
user99773 73.30 99.4%
user107982 71.89 94.6%
schuyler.6535 70.75 97.8%
maadj 68.76 93.1%
ceifero 66.93 99.4%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
ceifero 66.93 99.4%
maadj 68.76 93.1%
user107982 71.89 94.6%
user104585 41.12 98.9%
schuyler.6535 70.75 97.8%
user949982 79.00 93.1%
user107401 52.00 95.6%
user107401 46.23 92.1%