Bad JuJu quotes-Skylanders Imaginators - Activision Toys for Bob

This quote was added by ignitedgamer
The spirit is willing. Somethings you cannot measure with numbers, but this still looks pretty close. Stats. What kind of don magic is this? Eat up son. Go out and play son. Lightning makes you strong. Where's my boy?

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mbqg1234 105.31 96.0%
iltranscendent 99.76 96.9%
heyrj7 94.46 99.5%
kicko 91.04 90.4%
omeletstar 90.09 100%
amman66 88.25 96.9%
owolord 87.19 96.0%
diamondrock 86.27 93.1%
rrapattoni 85.80 98.2%
user238034 79.33 94.8%

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jena83 53.09 85.8%
user238034 79.33 94.8%
heyrj7 94.46 99.5%
cfav 47.90 93.5%
mikethegreat13 55.42 97.7%
kicko 91.04 90.4%
yoko 71.80 89.3%
omeletstar 90.09 100%