Automated phone systems - Kief Nebula

This quote was added by user401276
You would think that by now, 2018, I would be better at dealing with automated phone answering systems. I am not. These systems are archaic and cruel. Please Universe help me =).

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strikeemblem 112.11 98.3%
iltranscendent 98.12 97.3%
2001or2 92.28 82.9%
ellxi39 90.36 96.2%
jgdude 89.25 93.7%
ashrosetta123 85.92 95.2%
user90997 82.38 94.7%
m_murasaki 79.63 98.3%
user949982 79.28 98.9%
ironherald 77.31 94.2%

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blizda 50.42 81.8%
mnoland05 39.87 96.7%
iltranscendent 98.12 97.3%