Henry Drummond

This quote was added by micklepru
You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.

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orber 4 years, 11 months ago
the thing i like about this test is there isnt any obstacles such as punctuation or anything like that. this means that you can go bullet speed and get 100% accuracy every time.

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user871724 201.74 96.8%
forkhunter 172.90 100%
typin_ 164.71 92.7%
user491757 160.87 100%
missarkansas 158.93 97.5%
u557051 158.88 98.1%
asianontheinside 156.71 100%
wolfram 155.50 95.6%
vmlm 154.12 100%
treemeister 153.35 95.6%

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jpurvis00 88.93 98.7%
maadj 81.87 90%
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user67292 66.98 97.5%
benwong1 113.92 98.7%
user108043 114.39 95.1%
thecrazydane2 71.02 84.2%
user109859 72.16 84.1%