Baby Monitor - Aly Denneane

This quote was added by aly813
A father is lying in bed after just waking up from his daily nap. He grabs the baby monitor, and walks to his desk in his office at home. He has the baby monitor on his desk, and hears his wife singing to his baby girl. He cracks a smile as he hears his wife sing to his infant daughter, "Go to sleep... go to sleep..." when suddenly the front door opens up and his wife comes in with groceries.

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bvw 5 years, 10 months ago
Did this happen in Dearborn?
mollohan_hannah 5 years, 12 months ago
oh birch. then who was singing to his little girl???? Or was it his a memory
blaugershnauger 6 years, 7 months ago
Spoiler: It was the dog.
dvorakdan 7 years, 9 months ago
Good. A little bit "Yeah, that old gag." on the ending. A couple little grammar issues, ...he has his baby on the baby monitor... are you sure that is what you meant to type? And ...he hears his wife sings to... should be hears his wife sing... but other than that, good, but a little formulaic.

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