Aditya Kumarappan

This quote was added by adityak
Don't be over confident. If you are and you don't practice for something, you have a high chance of failing a contest. Then you will learn a lesson that you should not be overconfident.

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strikeemblem 126.04 97.4%
trishadgk 118.24 94.4%
jacqueline1234 109.40 95.4%
doughth 106.45 95.9%
avattavada 101.33 98.4%
tjapit 100.47 98.9%
aynjle89 100.04 98.4%
ozymandias037 99.30 95.9%
falsesu 97.57 99.5%
ultra_penguin 94.04 96.9%

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user982408 90.04 93.0%
user105268 55.37 94.4%
user107281 23.62 92.5%