Aditya Kumarappan

This quote was added by adityak
You should be a leader not a follower. If you follow someone and then later you can't because they go somewhere else, then you won't be able to do much things.

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dcb87 143.34 100%
zalyx 134.05 97.5%
geryjs 127.04 98.1%
kyle_w 126.50 99.4%
space_cadet 122.61 98.8%
aabbsss 117.43 97.5%
tjapit 116.55 100%
jen07 115.23 96.4%
snow94 113.23 99.4%
slamuel 111.99 94.6%

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user107952 40.03 87.4%
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user86800 47.44 90.3%
artyne 72.11 92.5%
slamuel 111.99 94.6%