Burgers - Reuben1

This quote was added by reuben999
Burgers are the best food off all we have them for lunch and supper at hunting camp. The best ones are the wormy ones from safeway soooo good burgers are the best.

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Name WPM Accuracy
inw_typer 159.00 99.8%
fr33zee 107.63 100%
cassie.snowden 69.95 87.6%
oli647 67.99 96.4%
20072014 65.31 93.7%
muhafil 64.30 97.6%
ahawk011 61.54 99.4%
janzhie05 53.47 100%
typeracerd 52.34 94.2%
user66899 48.07 95.9%

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inw_typer 126.00 95.8%
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chardxtine 39.02 98.2%
kewilliams 36.79 95.9%
user66899 48.07 95.9%