Giant House - Unkown

This quote was added by newtastic5814
There once was a giant house that was owned by a small mouse. Everywhere there were doors about the size of oars. And now it is owned by his spouse.

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dvorakdan 8 years, 6 months ago
I think this was written by a Vogon. The punctuation isn't very good either.

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typin_ 156.97 94.9%
missarkansas 152.42 99.3%
u557051 150.69 98.7%
franxx 148.57 98.7%
doesho 146.68 100%
gracekosten 145.96 98.7%
biotatumble 145.71 99.3%
treemeister 143.10 96.7%
2001or2 141.08 96.7%
inw_typer 141.00 93.0%

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nezz 27.83 91.4%
saskatoonpie 68.33 90.8%
rbrowningii 52.54 97.4%