Believe nothing - OTH - Dan Scott

This quote was added by kaylaym420
Believe nothing. Just because a wise man said it, or you read it in a book... words of divine order, or because your mother told you... it doesn't make it true. Believe only what you yourself can test and judge to be true.

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user871724 166.99 97.0%
derpqwerty 102.55 99.1%
amman66 100.19 99.1%
ozymandias037 95.55 93.3%
somerandomppl 95.10 96.5%
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moonyyyblack 74.00 100%
user430679 73.41 96.5%

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moonyyyblack 74.00 100%
ozymandias037 95.55 93.3%
somerandomppl 95.10 96.5%