from Pitman Shorthand Instructor

This quote was added by user59199
For several special reasons I should like you to come to see me on Wednesday as early as you can. I specially desire you to write out the names of all the firms with which you have had business dealings since you came to us.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 170.19 94.2%
hiramisu 148.33 99.6%
cuh 127.03 94.9%
jacqueline1234 123.92 97.8%
npabs 122.95 98.2%
geryjs 117.59 99.1%
rossgshaffer 116.72 96.6%
hamchow 113.56 98.2%
user420192 111.37 98.2%
hieu 110.50 98.7%

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Name WPM Accuracy
peermingle 69.26 100%
ivoryrose13 70.40 93.7%
kait999 73.16 90.3%
hiramisu 148.33 99.6%
user420192 111.37 98.2%
m_murasaki 87.03 94.2%
chrivnak 44.27 96.1%
mnoland05 53.95 96.1%