Love is Blind - Marlaina

This quote was added by marly3141
People should fall in love with their eyes closed, you should fall in love with their personality. Not how they look but rather how they act and love God and others... who they are as a person inside is what is truly beautiful.

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weesin 5 years, 9 months ago
and yet more religious God crap on this site. The rules clearly state that religious quotes are not allowed. Peddle your silly beliefs elsewhere please

and I agree with "teil0" 100%. Appearance absolutely matters and should come into play when choosing a partner. I'm a fitness freak. I don't eat any processed or un-organic food. If I were single, I wouldn't bother looking at someone who is grossly overweight or in any way out of shape....clearly, they wouldn't be willing to share my love of a healthy lifestyle. And they wouldn't have the ability to enjoy sports and adventure with me.
teil0 9 years, 5 months ago
This is not entirely true. Part of a person's personality is how they take care of themselves, the dignity with which they comport themselves. In this way, their personality intersects with their appearance, and is and should be a significant factor in how you consider them.
user59333 9 years, 6 months ago
This is very well said.

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