Tomas Neil

This quote was added by rapadash0
Stupidity only exists in the mind of the user. Those who think they are stupid will trick themselves into believing it. If you can trick yourself, you must be pretty smart.

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teil0 9 years, 4 months ago
Please learn proper English sentence structure and grammar if you intend to post quotations in the English section.

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geoffhuang 154.44 96.6%
mrv514 153.48 99.4%
missarkansas 153.47 99.4%
imstaken 150.16 100%
ilovejujubee 147.10 100%
vmlm 142.93 98.9%
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dustinjay91 139.34 97.2%
marycb1 138.78 99.4%
edasaur 137.72 100%

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kaymulli2024 54.09 90.6%
fueledbypanda 87.43 95.6%
user99861 44.89 93.5%