X Rusnak

This quote was added by blackhawkaau13
You are my home, my everything. I wish you wouldn't yourself the way you do, but I understand why you do. Just remember every time the blade touches your skin that I love you.

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user871724 189.62 100%
typin_ 175.19 97.2%
inw_typer 170.00 100%
rezai 157.37 100%
toinfinity 152.00 98.3%
user660825 135.56 98.3%
dcb87 126.26 98.9%
mafuso 121.15 97.2%
npabs 120.41 97.2%
user851491 117.28 92.1%

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user660825 135.56 98.3%
user888480 21.87 92.6%
flackboard 97.65 93.1%
gladevise 71.64 94.6%