अनुकूलन परीक्षणहरू

Untitled by dictator123

abstinence abstinent abstract abstruse abundance abundant abyssal academic accede accelerate acceleration accent accentuate acceptable acceptance access accessibility accessible accessory accident accidentally acclaim acclimatise accommodate accommodation accommodative accompaniment

members of the found by soggy_sage

1. Eliza Hernandez Nuccio (Chairman)
2. Jeff E. Frank (Vice Chairman)
3. Stephen A. Smith (Secretary)
4. Lisa A. Calandriello (Treasurer)
5. Manuel E. Pravia (Director)
6. Timothy W. Daniels (Director)
7. W. Frederick Thompson (Director)
8. Rodney C. Turner (Director)

Decades Typing Test2 by csrxweek

It's close to midnight Something evil's lurkin' in the dark Under the moonlight You see a sight that almost stops your heart You try to scream But terror takes the sound before you make it You start to freeze As horror looks you right between the eyes You're paralyzed 'Cause this is thriller Thriller night And no one's gonna save you From the beast about to strike You know it's thriller Thriller night You're fighting for your life Inside a killer, thriller tonight, yeah You hear the door slam And realize there's nowhere left to run You feel the cold hand And wonder if you'll ever see the sun You close your eyes And hope that this is just imagination, girl But all the while You hear a creature creepin' up behind You're out of time 'Cause this is thriller Thriller night There ain't no second chance Against the thing with the forty eyes, girl (Thriller, thriller night) You're fighting for your life Inside a killer, thriller tonight

Decades Typing Test1 by csrxweek

First, I was afraid, I was petrified Kept thinking, I could never live, without you by my side But then I spent so many nights thinking, how you did me wrong And I grew strong and I learned how to get along And so you're back, from outer space I just walked in to find you here With that sad look upon your face I should have changed that stupid lock I should have made you leave your key If I'd a known for just one second You'd be back to bother me Woah now go, walk out the door, just turn around now 'Cause you're not welcome anymore Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye Did you think I'd crumble? Did you think I'd lay down and die? No, not I, I will survive Oh as long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay alive I've got all my life to live and I've got all my love to give And I'll survive, I will survive (hey, hey)

test for speed typin by sharice55

Skiing and snowboarding are affordable winter recreational activities that millions of people across the globe participate in every year. Local radio stations will occasionally take advantage of the high volume of skiers and snowboarders by holding events, offering discounted lift tickets, and providing other perks to help make the activity a bit more affordable of families. Once there, most ski resorts offer a variety of courses which range from beginners to more skilled/expert levels. Many resorts also offer terrain parks for any patron who wishes to try his or her luck on an array of obstacles and jumps with varying levels of difficulty. For individuals who are just beginning to learn, many ski areas give you the option of taking a short instructional class which teaches safety and riding techniques. Even if customers lacks his or her own equipment, resorts offer a full line of rental equipment, including skis, snowboards, poles, boots (both ski and snowboard specific), as well as helmets, goggles, and other safety gear. Many resorts also feature a "bunny hill" slope, a great place to start for people of all ages and skill levels to warm up on before venturing out onto the bigger slopes.

ethics by user109715

i was waiting for a ride at an amusement park and saw someone skipping the line. they ended up right behind me and decided to stand up for the others even though i wasn't personally affected. i privately and respectfully confirmed that they were skipping and told them it wasn't fair to those behind, and warned them that i would call a worker to escort them. they agreed, apologized and went to the back of the line.

Fragmento perdido by scxd

Miré de reojo al rifle. Sumamente oxidado, quizá con una buena pulida y algunos cambios en alquimia podría ser un arma imponente. Su poco conocer se refleja. Y, viéndolo más de cerca, noto un patrón con flor de cicuta, junto a la inscripción “ritorikí”. Una marca relativamente famosa, se caracteriza por tener muy buen calibre y buena puntería, demasiado. La mayoría de novatos, o amateurs, tienden a usar esta marca debido a su potencia ignorando realmente si les sirve para lo que viene o le dan mal uso. Las usan en cosas que no corresponde o como no se debe. No vas a dispararle a un animal con esto para cazar, al pobre lo destroza inutilizando la carne. Yo tuve suerte que la bala me entrase por la boca y saliese por la mandíbula izquierda, de darme en otro ángulo para dirección de mi cabeza o garganta me habría matado seguro.

Untitled by scxd

Progreso y modernidad
El proceso de incorporación a la soberanía nacional chilena de los territorios peruanos anexados
tras la guerra, no solamente consistió en el establecimiento de la compleja red política y administrativa
del Estado y en el desbaratamiento de las antiguas
instituciones del país vecino, sino que implicó además
un proceso subrepticio de expansión y difusión
del imaginario nacional chileno, en desmedro de
los valores y adherencias cívicas peruanas, que es
posible identificar en el análisis del discurso de la
prensa fronteriza de principios del siglo XX. En
este sentido, el discurso nacionalista elaborado
desde el centro del país adquirió en los territorios
ocupados un tono retórico que estaba orientado a
establecer una diferencia insalvable entre los rasgos
fundamentales asociados a “lo chileno”, entre ellos
las ideas de civilización, progreso y modernidad,
con los rasgos atribuidos a “lo peruano”, asociados
siempre a la barbarie, al atraso y lo premoderno
(Galdames et al. 2014, Ruz et al. 2015).
La fotografía registró la modernización económica de la sociedad chilena durante las primeras
décadas del siglo pasado, pero no solamente con una
función estrictamente documental, sino también con
una función ideológica, en tanto fue un mecanismo
en donde se intentó mostrar y promocionar ante
los inversores extranjeros y nacionales el potencial
productivo tanto del paisaje como de los trabajadores
del país (Cornejo 2012). Si bien empresas de este
tipo ya se habían realizado durante el siglo XIX, por
ejemplo con el libro Chile Ilustrado de Recaredo
Tornero (1872), cuyos textos y grabados acerca de
la realidad nacional tenían el objetivo “proyectar
una imagen esplendorosa de país” (Risco 2013:
3), será la fotografía, a la que se le atribuía como
hemos mencionado, la capacidad de “captar la realidad tal cual era, sin intervención humana de por
medio, científica y objetivamente” (Cornejo 2012:
11), el principal factor de representación, registro
y promoción del proceso modernizador chileno.
Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, uno de los
principales íconos de la modernización de la ciudad
de Arica impulsada por el Estado, representada
por la prensa en el espacio fronterizo y difundida
ampliamente en los espacios metropolitanos por
los reportajes gráficos de las revistas de la Editorial
Zig-Zag, fue el establecimiento del Ferrocarril de
Arica a La Paz.
La construcción del ferrocarril, estipulada en
el Tratado de Paz y Amistad firmado entre Chile y
Bolivia en 1904, sin duda tuvo un significado diferente a cualquiera de las obras públicas realizadas
por los distintos gobiernos de Chile en el proceso
de modernización del país. En los territorios que
permanecían aún en conflicto tras la guerra, la
construcción de una obra como esta significó, tanto
para el Estado como para la opinión pública, un acto
de afianzamiento de la soberanía chilena en lo que
ya era considerado su nueva frontera norte, pero
también se convirtió en un símbolo del progreso
material con el que se identificó discursivamente
a la empresa de chilenización en los territorios en
disputa, pasando a adquirir connotaciones identitarias.
Tanto Zig-Zag como Sucesos demostraron ante
esta empresa un especial interés, apareciendo en sus
notas gráficas recurrentemente desde los inicios de
su construcción en 1906 hasta su inauguración en
1913 y posteriormente en su funcionamiento hasta
el traspaso definitivo de la ciudad de Arica a manos
chilenas en 1929.
Como es sabido, desde su aparición en Europa
hacia mediados del siglo XVIII, el ferrocarril se
transformó en un emblema del progreso, en un
símbolo del poder industrial y del capitalismo
moderno, a la vez que representó el triunfo de la
técnica y la civilización ante los obstáculos naturales
(Risco 2013). Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, una
de las primeras características de las imágenes de
los reportajes gráficos de las revistas estudiadas
consistió en que estas hicieron resaltar la capacidad
ingenieril que significaba instalar los cientos de
kilómetros de línea férrea, necesarios para unir el
puerto de Arica con la capital de Bolivia, mediante
varias exhibiciones de elementos representacionales estables, presentes también en las imágenes
de la obra del ingeniero Alberto Decombe titulada
Historia del Ferrocarril de Arica a la Paz de 1913.
Las imágenes que muestran las rocosas quebradas de
la cordillera de los Andes, agreste obstáculo natural
que tuvo que sortear la obra, fueron frecuentes. En
ellas, uno de los recursos visuales más recurrentes
para que el observador dimensionara la magnitud
de la obra realizada, fue la instalación de personajes
junto a las pronunciadas quebradas de la cordillera,
lo que otorga un elemento de comparación entre
el ser humano y el imponente obstáculo natural
a vencer por medio de la técnica (Figura 11). En
Relatos visuales de una “Arica chilena”. Los magazines de la editorial Zig-Zag (1902-1930) 123
este conjunto de imágenes la idea del triunfo del
progreso técnico y científico ante los obstáculos
de la naturaleza.
Las fotografías de planos generales que
muestran el vasto territorio a “conquistar” por el
ferrocarril, son otro de los elementos representacionales recurrentes en los reportajes gráficos de
la editorial (Figura 12).
La representación de paisajes abiertos, deshabitados e inhóspitos hicieron más atractivos
los reportes relativos a la posesión de los nuevos
territorios, acentuando el carácter de “epopeya”
ingenieril del proceso, esto fue reforzado en el
reportaje gráfico con la presencia de los ingenieros
y personal técnico encargado de la inspección de
los trabajos. Es sintomático que en las imágenes
respecto del adelanto de las obras, como en las
del avance de la instalación de la línea férrea y la
abertura de túneles, ambos elementos representacionales recurrentes, exista una ausencia casi total
de los obreros carrilanos que efectivamente llevaron
Figura 11. Revista Zig-Zag Nº 209, 1909.
a cabo el trabajo más pesado y sin los cuales las
faenas de instalación del ferrocarril de Arica a la
Paz no se hubiesen podido concretar (Figura 13).
Al igual que en el libro de Decombe, no existen
vistas de los trabajadores en plena faena, ni mucho
menos se hace mención, en las breves reseñas
que acompañan a las imágenes, a las peligrosas
labores y las extenuantes jornadas de trabajo que
ocasionaron la muerte de decenas de estos y que
motivaron la huelga de carrilanos de octubre de
1907 que paralizó temporalmente la construcción
(Santibáñez 2014).
La presencia marginal de los obreros carrilanos contrasta con las apariciones recurrentes de
ingenieros, técnicos y de “empleados de escritorio”
elegantemente vestidos (Figura 14).
Cuando los obreros son fotografiados, sus
imágenes dan cuenta de convenciones representacionales características de la fotografía industrial,
en la que no se representan ni los conflictos ni las
tensiones laborales o sociales (Montiel 2015), presentándonos a pequeños grupos de carrilanos que
han hecho una pausa en sus labores habituales para
ser fotografiados, mirando directamente hacia la
cámara, no siendo el interés del fotógrafo el registro
de las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores,
sino el resultado final, vale decir, la instalación de
la vía férrea y la transformación del paisaje como
manifestación simbólica del progreso material
enarbolado por el discurso chilenizador.
La inauguración del ferrocarril fue cubierta por
Zig-Zag en distintas ocasiones en 1913. El carácter
de empresa del Estado chileno fue resaltado con
imágenes del Presidente de la República de ese
entonces, Ramón Barros Luco y de la comitiva
oficial que concurrió a la inauguración. El vasto
territorio atravesado por la obra fue representado
con la exhibición de mapas en los que se mostraba el trazado del ferrocarril desde el puerto de
Arica (señalado como territorio chileno) hasta la
capital boliviana. No estuvieron ausentes en estos
reportajes gráficos las manifestaciones del poder
militar, representados por el desfile de tropas de los
regimientos O’Higgins y Lanceros, además de las
imágenes de los buques de guerra chilenos frente
al Morro. En estos reportajes gráficos es posible
apreciar una síntesis visual del proceso chilenizador
en el que se incluyen autoridades civiles, militares,
el personal técnico a cargo de las obras, además
de la cartografía del territorio conquistado por el
ferrocarril (Figura 15). Frecuentes fueron también

Untitled by user109594

With the advent of large passenger jet aircraft in the 1960s, intercontinental travelers switched from ships to planes, sending the ocean liner trade into a terminal decline. Certain characteristics of older ocean liners made them unsuitable for cruising duties, such as high fuel consumption, deep draught preventing them from entering shallow ports, and cabins (often windowless) designed to maximize passenger numbers rather than comfort. In the late 1950s and 1960s, ships such as Holland America Line's SS Rotterdam (1959), the French Line's SS France (1961), and Cunard Line's RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 (1969) were designed to serve the dual purposes of ocean liner during the northern hemisphere summer months and cruise ship in the winter, incorporating doors and baffles that could be open or closed to divide classes or open the ship to one class, wherein all passengers received roughly the same quality berthing and most of the same facilities. (Passengers in cabins in certain grades on the Queen Elizabeth 2 had access only to certain dining rooms).
Ocean liner services aimed at passengers ceased in 1986. The Rotterdam was put on permanent cruise service, as was the France, albeit modified and renamed Norway in 1980, as part of Norwegian Cruise Line. This made the Norway, by then the largest passenger vessel in the world, the first "mega-cruise ship". Cunard, on the other hand, put the Queen Elizabeth 2 on more cruises, but also, in an attempt to shift the focus of the market from passenger travel to cruising with entertainment value, pioneered the luxury transatlantic cruise service, catering to a niche market of those who appreciated the several days at sea. International celebrities were hired to perform acts onboard, along with cabarets, and with the addition of a casino and other entertainment amenities, the crossing was advertised as a vacation in itself.
The 1970s television series Love Boat helped to popularize the concept as a romantic opportunity for couples. Another ship to make this transition was SS Norway, originally the ocean liner SS France and later converted to cruising duties as the Caribbean Sea's first "super-ship".
Contemporary cruise ships built in the late 1980s and later, such as the Sovereign class which broke the size record held for decades by Norway, showed characteristics of size once reserved for ocean liners. The Sovereign-class ships were the first "megaships" to be built specifically for the mass cruising market. They also were the first series of cruise ships to include a multi-story lobby with a glass elevator and had a single deck devoted entirely to cabins with private balconies, instead of ocean view cabins. Other cruise lines soon launched ships with similar attributes, such as the Fantasy class, leading up to the Panamax-type Vista class, designed such that two-thirds of the ocean view staterooms have balconies. As the veranda suites were particularly lucrative for cruise lines, something which was lacking in older ocean liners, recent cruise ships have been designed to maximize such amenities and have been described as "balcony-laden floating condominiums".
Until 1975–1980, cruises offered shuffleboard, deck chairs, "drinks with umbrellas and little else for a few hundred passengers". After 1980, they offered increasing amenities. As of 2010, city-sized ships have dozens of amenities.
There have been nine or more new cruise ships added every year since 2001, including the 11 members of the aforementioned Vista class, and all at 100,000 GT or greater. The only comparable ocean liner to be completed in recent years has been Cunard Line's Queen Mary 2 in 2004. Following the retirement of her running mate Queen Elizabeth 2 in November 2008, Queen Mary 2 is the only liner operating on transatlantic routes, though she also sees significant service on cruiser Queen Mary 2 was for a time the largest passenger ship before being surpassed by Royal Caribbean International's Freedom-class vessels in 2006. The Freedom-class ships were in turn overtaken by RCI's own Oasis-class vessels which entered service in 2009 and 2010

Untitled by user109594

With the advent of large passenger jet aircraft in the 1960s, intercontinental travelers switched from ships to planes, sending the ocean liner trade into a terminal decline. Certain characteristics of older ocean liners made them unsuitable for cruising duties, such as high fuel consumption, deep draught preventing them from entering shallow ports, and cabins (often windowless) designed to maximize passenger numbers rather than comfort. In the late 1950s and 1960s, ships such as Holland America Line's SS Rotterdam (1959), the French Line's SS France (1961), and Cunard Line's RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 (1969) were designed to serve the dual purposes of ocean liner during the northern hemisphere summer months and cruise ship in the winter, incorporating doors and baffles that could be open or closed to divide classes or open the ship to one class, wherein all passengers received roughly the same quality berthing and most of the same facilities. (Passengers in cabins in certain grades on the Queen Elizabeth 2 had access only to certain dining rooms).
Ocean liner services aimed at passengers ceased in 1986. The Rotterdam was put on permanent cruise service, as was the France, albeit modified and renamed Norway in 1980, as part of Norwegian Cruise Line. This made the Norway, by then the largest passenger vessel in the world, the first "mega-cruise ship". Cunard, on the other hand, put the Queen Elizabeth 2 on more cruises, but also, in an attempt to shift the focus of the market from passenger travel to cruising with entertainment value, pioneered the luxury transatlantic cruise service, catering to a niche market of those who appreciated the several days at sea. International celebrities were hired to perform acts onboard, along with cabarets, and with the addition of a casino and other entertainment amenities, the crossing was advertised as a vacation in itself.
The 1970s television series Love Boat helped to popularize the concept as a romantic opportunity for couples. Another ship to make this transition was SS Norway, originally the ocean liner SS France and later converted to cruising duties as the Caribbean Sea's first "super-ship".
Contemporary cruise ships built in the late 1980s and later, such as the Sovereign class which broke the size record held for decades by Norway, showed characteristics of size once reserved for ocean liners. The Sovereign-class ships were the first "megaships" to be built specifically for the mass cruising market. They also were the first series of cruise ships to include a multi-story lobby with a glass elevator and had a single deck devoted entirely to cabins with private balconies, instead of ocean view cabins. Other cruise lines soon launched ships with similar attributes, such as the Fantasy class, leading up to the Panamax-type Vista class, designed such that two-thirds of the ocean view staterooms have balconies. As the veranda suites were particularly lucrative for cruise lines, something which was lacking in older ocean liners, recent cruise ships have been designed to maximize such amenities and have been described as "balcony-laden floating condominiums".
Until 1975–1980, cruises offered shuffleboard, deck chairs, "drinks with umbrellas and little else for a few hundred passengers". After 1980, they offered increasing amenities. As of 2010, city-sized ships have dozens of amenities.
There have been nine or more new cruise ships added every year since 2001, including the 11 members of the aforementioned Vista class, and all at 100,000 GT or greater. The only comparable ocean liner to be completed in recent years has been Cunard Line's Queen Mary 2 in 2004. Following the retirement of her running mate Queen Elizabeth 2 in November 2008, Queen Mary 2 is the only liner operating on transatlantic routes, though she also sees significant service on cruiser Queen Mary 2 was for a time the largest passenger ship before being surpassed by Royal Caribbean International's Freedom-class vessels in 2006. The Freedom-class ships were in turn overtaken by RCI's own Oasis-class vessels which entered service in 2009 and 2010

Untitled by user109594

With the advent of large passenger jet aircraft in the 1960s, intercontinental travelers switched from ships to planes, sending the ocean liner trade into a terminal decline. Certain characteristics of older ocean liners made them unsuitable for cruising duties, such as high fuel consumption, deep draught preventing them from entering shallow ports, and cabins (often windowless) designed to maximize passenger numbers rather than comfort. In the late 1950s and 1960s, ships such as Holland America Line's SS Rotterdam (1959), the French Line's SS France (1961), and Cunard Line's RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 (1969) were designed to serve the dual purposes of ocean liner during the northern hemisphere summer months and cruise ship in the winter, incorporating doors and baffles that could be open or closed to divide classes or open the ship to one class, wherein all passengers received roughly the same quality berthing and most of the same facilities. (Passengers in cabins in certain grades on the Queen Elizabeth 2 had access only to certain dining rooms).
Ocean liner services aimed at passengers ceased in 1986. The Rotterdam was put on permanent cruise service, as was the France, albeit modified and renamed Norway in 1980, as part of Norwegian Cruise Line. This made the Norway, by then the largest passenger vessel in the world, the first "mega-cruise ship". Cunard, on the other hand, put the Queen Elizabeth 2 on more cruises, but also, in an attempt to shift the focus of the market from passenger travel to cruising with entertainment value, pioneered the luxury transatlantic cruise service, catering to a niche market of those who appreciated the several days at sea. International celebrities were hired to perform acts onboard, along with cabarets, and with the addition of a casino and other entertainment amenities, the crossing was advertised as a vacation in itself.
The 1970s television series Love Boat helped to popularize the concept as a romantic opportunity for couples. Another ship to make this transition was SS Norway, originally the ocean liner SS France and later converted to cruising duties as the Caribbean Sea's first "super-ship".
Contemporary cruise ships built in the late 1980s and later, such as the Sovereign class which broke the size record held for decades by Norway, showed characteristics of size once reserved for ocean liners. The Sovereign-class ships were the first "megaships" to be built specifically for the mass cruising market. They also were the first series of cruise ships to include a multi-story lobby with a glass elevator and had a single deck devoted entirely to cabins with private balconies, instead of ocean view cabins. Other cruise lines soon launched ships with similar attributes, such as the Fantasy class, leading up to the Panamax-type Vista class, designed such that two-thirds of the ocean view staterooms have balconies. As the veranda suites were particularly lucrative for cruise lines, something which was lacking in older ocean liners, recent cruise ships have been designed to maximize such amenities and have been described as "balcony-laden floating condominiums".
Until 1975–1980, cruises offered shuffleboard, deck chairs, "drinks with umbrellas and little else for a few hundred passengers". After 1980, they offered increasing amenities. As of 2010, city-sized ships have dozens of amenities.
There have been nine or more new cruise ships added every year since 2001, including the 11 members of the aforementioned Vista class, and all at 100,000 GT or greater. The only comparable ocean liner to be completed in recent years has been Cunard Line's Queen Mary 2 in 2004. Following the retirement of her running mate Queen Elizabeth 2 in November 2008, Queen Mary 2 is the only liner operating on transatlantic routes, though she also sees significant service on cruiser Queen Mary 2 was for a time the largest passenger ship before being surpassed by Royal Caribbean International's Freedom-class vessels in 2006. The Freedom-class ships were in turn overtaken by RCI's own Oasis-class vessels which entered service in 2009 and 2010

Ask the Dusk c5 by user109855

I wasn’t starving. I still had some old oranges under the bed. That night I ate three or four and with the darkness I walked down Bunker Hill to the downtown district. Across the street from the Columbia Buffet I stood in a shadowed doorway and watched Camilla Lopez. She was the same, dressed in the same white smock. I trembled when I saw her and a strange hot feeling was in my throat. But after a few minutes the strangeness was gone and I stood in the darkness until my feet ached.

When I saw a policeman strolling towards me I walked away. It was a hot night. Sand from the Mojave had blown across the city. Tiny brown grains of sand clung to my fingertips whenever I touched anything, and when I got back to my room I found the mechanism of my new typewriter glutted with sand. It was in my ears and in my hair. When I took off my clothes it fell like powder to the floor. It was even between the sheets of my bed. Lying in the darkness, the red light from the St Paul Hotel flashing on and off across my bed was bluish now, a ghastly colour jumping into the room and out again.

I couldn’t eat any oranges the next morning. The thought of them made me wince. By noon, after an aimless walk downtown, I was sick with self-pity, unable to control my grief. When I got back to my room I threw myself on the bed and wept from deep inside my chest. I let it flow from every part of me, and after I could not cry anymore I felt fine again. I felt truthful and clean. I sat down and wrote my mother an honest letter. I told her I had been lying to her for weeks; and please send some money, because I wanted to come home.

As I wrote Hellfrick entered. He was wearing pants and no bathrobe, and at first I didn’t recognize him. Without a word he put fifteen cents on the table. ‘I’m an honest man, kid,’ he said, ‘I’m as honest as the day is long.’ And he walked out.

I brushed the coins into my hand, jumped out the window and ran down the street to the grocery store. The little Japanese had his sack ready at the orange bin. He was amazed to see me pass him by and enter the staples department. I bought two dozen cookies. Sitting on the bed I swallowed them as fast as I could, washing them down with gulps of water. I felt fine again. My stomach was full, and I still had a nickel left. I tore up the letter to my mother and lay down to wait for the night. That nickel meant I could go back to the Columbia Buffet. I waited, heavy with food, heavy with desire.

She saw me as I entered. She was glad to see me; I knew she was, because I could tell by the way her eyes widened. Her face brightened and that tight feeling caught my throat. All at once I was so happy, sure of myself, clean and conscious of my youth. I sat at that same first table. Tonight there was music in the saloon, a piano and a violin; two fat women with hard masculine faces and short haircuts. Their song was Over the Waves. Ta de da da, and I watched Camilla dancing with her beer tray. Her hair was so black, so deep and clustered, like grapes hiding her neck. This was a sacred place, this saloon. Everything here was holy, the chairs, the tables, that rag in her hand, that sawdust under her feet. She was a Mayan princess and this was her castle. I watched the tattered huaraches glide across the floor, and I wanted those huaraches. I would like them to hold in my hands against my chest when I fell asleep. I would like to hold them and breathe the odour of them.

She did not venture near my table, but I was glad. Don’t come right away, Camilla; let me sit here a while and accustom myself to this rare excitement; leave me alone while my mind travels the infinite loveliness of your splendid glory; just leave a while to myself, to hunger and dream with eyes awake.

Tak Dong Kyung by user109853

One thing I learnt in life is that we can't use the word 'forever', for something that is still happening. Loving someone forever is nearly impossible. But losing someone forever is possible.

Its OK to not be OK by user109853

Don't make the same mistakes I did and try to run when you can't even walk. When you're tired, get some rest. When you're sad, go ahead and cry. It's okay to take a break. Then one day, there will surely come a day when you'll be able to run again.

TopWords 101-150x10 by strosekd

list list list list list list list list list list
name name name name name name name name name name
just just just just just just just just just just
over over over over over over over over over over
state state state state state state state state state state
year year year year year year year year year year
day day day day day day day day day day
into into into into into into into into into into
email email email email email email email email email email
two two two two two two two two two two
health health health health health health health health health health
world world world world world world world world world world
re re re re re re re re re re
next next next next next next next next next next
used used used used used used used used used used
go go go go go go go go go go
work work work work work work work work work work
last last last last last last last last last last
most most most most most most most most most most
products products products products products products products products products products
music music music music music music music music music music
buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy
data data data data data data data data data data
make make make make make make make make make make
them them them them them them them them them them
should should should should should should should should should should
product product product product product product product product product product
system system system system system system system system system system
post post post post post post post post post post
her her her her her her her her her her
city city city city city city city city city city
add add add add add add add add add add
policy policy policy policy policy policy policy policy policy policy
number number number number number number number number number number
such such such such such such such such such such
please please please please please please please please please please
available available available available available available available available available available
copyright copyright copyright copyright copyright copyright copyright copyright copyright copyright
support support support support support support support support support support
message message message message message message message message message message
after after after after after after after after after after
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qwe by lionwastaken


Roman punjabi 3 by user109733

Lahore di gall kariye te kivein food street nu bhul sakde aan? Agle din asin sheher di mashhoor Food Street wich jaake Lahore dey swaadian da maza chakkeya. Wadde wadde thailey, lassi diyaan mitti diyaan glassan te garma garam tikkeyaan da swaad ajj tak zubaan te hai. Raat nu wahan diyaan rangin batthakaan te chamaktiyaan roshniyaan ne Lahore nu ik hor hee rang chadd ditta. Sheher diyan raatein vi din di tarah hi jeevan naal bharpur lagdiyaan san. Har kona te tehzeeb da rang si, te asin Lahore nu dil wich basa ke wapas aagaye, par man wich ehi iraada ke jald wapas aa ke hor nawaeyan jagahaan explore karange.

Roman punjabi 2 by user109733

Lahore di yaadan sanu aj vi taza lagdiyaan ne. Agle din asin Shahi Qila wal rukh kita, jithe deewaraan te naqashi te itt-te-itt di karkhunaai dekh ke dil wich eho soch aayi ke sadi tehzeeb kina waddi hai. Feroze purani haweliyan te darwaazey saanu ik hor duniya vich le gaye. Shami nu asin Liberty Chowk gaye, jithe rang birangiyaan dukana te logaan di chust raunaq dekh ke thakawat vi door ho gayi. Lahore diyaan mithaiyaan te khan-piyan diyaan cheezan de swaad ne vapis aan di taqreeban pakki kar ditti hai!

QWERTYIOP by lionwastaken


Practices by user109843

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog