Hola buenos días que tal estamos chavales.
Hola buenos días que tal estamos chavales.
Hola buenos días que tal estamos chavales.
Hola buenos días que tal estamos chavales.
Hola buenos días que tal estamos chavales.
Hola buenos días que tal estamos chavales.
Salad gal sad gash lass jak
discord discord
ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby ElasticGumby
Practical life teaches us that people may differ and that both may be wrong: it also teaches us that people may differ and both be right. Anchor yourself fast in the latter faith, or the former will sweep your balls away.
There once was a man named Sinan Gjëq, Gjëq (pronounced Džyk) lived in the village of Gjëqeria, Araqia. He was a proud Araqite, very patriotic. He had a small "ažin" in his pocket. You don't know what an ažin is? Why, it's a Gjëqerian pocket knife used for cutting ropes on ships and boats. You see, many Gjëqerians were fisherman and any Gjëqerian fisherman who knew anything about fishing had an ažin on hand always.
As Gjëq was walking to work he saw a strange sight, a group of hooded men that looked like Jawas from Star Wars. He could tell they were part of the newly formed gang known as the Rüčeni. The Rüčeni were a local Gjëqerian gang known for their strangely large hoods that covered their whole body. They looked like ghosts except for the fact that their hoods were black.
Gjëq decided to ignore these frightening fellows and kept walking to work, as he walked past the Rüčeni he forgot to ignore them and he said "Haliže gutam, mij foroz!" meaning "Nice day, we're having!". The Rüčeni who were very nationalist and hated all foreigners could tell that Gjëq was a fellow Gjëqerian by the fact that he spoke in the local Gjëqerian accent. The Gjëqerian accent
was known for the fact that their "ž" sound was more like a "dž" sound. It was a very distinctive accent that anyone from Araqia would recognize. Gjëqerians were famous in Araqia for their accent. Gjëq skipped along the road to get to work, he saw his friend Tarik Hejič standing by their worksite,
the Ažin River (The pocket knives of the same name were named after the river,). Tarik said "Hey, if it isn't the man the village's named after!". Tarik liked to joke that Gjëqeria was named after Sinan Gjëq. In actuality, it was just coincidence his
surname was like the village name. Sinan Gjëq responded "Yeah, like I haven't head that one before,". Sinan Gjëq and Tarik Hejič shook hands and Tarik told him about what happened on his
way to work, "I saw these "ükša" (the local slang word for "gangsters") standing around in the street on my ride to work (Tarik rode a donkey to the Ažin River rather than walk like Gjëq).
Salladhor Saan tells King Stannis Baratheon of the Red Wedding, how the Freys sewed the head of Robb Stark's direwolf, Grey Wind, on the king's shoulders and nailed a crown on its head. Catelyn Stark was slain and thrown naked into the river. Queen Selyse and Axell Florent declare that it was the hand of R'hllor that killed the usurpers, but Stannis knows it was Lord Walder Frey's handiwork. When Stannis wants to send word that he will pardon any ironman or northman who swears fealty, Melisandre tells him that her flames revealed that new kings will pick up where the old ones died. The Seven Kingdoms must be shown a sign, but Stannis has heard enough talk of stone dragons, knowing of all the follies the Targaryens caused by trying to return the dragons to life.
Davos Seaworth persuades the king by asking Melisandre why she needs Edric Storm's life to raise the stone dragon. He also inquires how her leeches were responsible for two kings' deaths, when one was killed by Walder Frey and the other, Balon Greyjoy, fell from a bridge. He also points out that only two of the three false kings are dead so far. The Red Woman has answers, but Stannis sends her away. Still not completely satisfied that he should spare Edric's life, the king sends Davos away as well.
The Onion Knight seeks out Maester Pylos, who has been teaching him how to read. Davos begins to slowly read a letter that arrived some time before from the Wall. The missive speaks of Lord Jeor Mormont's defeat at the Fist, and Maester Aemon's fear that the wildlings may conquer the Wall. Pylos reveals that he showed the letter to Alester, but the king and Melisandre are not aware of the warning's existence.
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