The feeling that I'm losing her forever
And without really entering her world
I'm glad whenever I can share her laughter
That funny little girl
Slipping through my fingers all the time
I try to capture every minute
The feeling in it
Slipping through my fingers all the time
The dragon guarded his gold day and night, agitated by any sounds that dared to approach. One day, a brave guard managed to distract the beast and grabbed a dazzling jewel. However, the dragon's greed was quick it lunged forward, and managed to catch the thief in its jaws.
Anakreón: Gyűlölöm
Gyűlölöm azt, aki telt kupa mellett, bort iszogatván,
háborut emleget és lélekölő viadalt.
S kedvelem azt, aki bölcs és Aphrodité meg a Múzsák
szép adományairól zengve szeretni tanít.
Catullus: Gyűlölök és szeretek…
Gyűlölök és szeretek. Miért? Nem tudom én se, de érzem:
így van ez, és a szívem élve keresztre feszít.
Szabó Lőrinc fordítása
Janus Pannonius: Pannónia dicsérete
Eddig Itália földjén termettek csak a könyvek,
S most Pannónia is ontja a szép dalokat.
Sokra becsülnek már, a hazám is büszke lehet rám,
Szellemem egyre dicsőbb, általa híres e föld!
Csokonai Vitéz Mihály: Tartózkodó kérelem
A hatalmas szerelemnek
Megemésztő tüze bánt.
Te lehetsz írja sebemnek,
Gyönyörű kis tulipánt!
Szemeid szép ragyogása
Eleven hajnali tűz,
Ajakid harmatozása
Sok ezer gondot elűz.
Teljesítsd angyali szókkal,
Szeretőd amire kért:
Ezer ambrózia csókkal
Fizetek válaszodért.
Csokonai Vitéz Mihály: A Reményhez
Főldiekkel játszó
Égi tűnemény,
Istenségnek látszó
Csalfa, vak Remény!
Kit teremt magának
A boldogtalan,
S mint védangyalának,
Bókol úntalan. –
Síma száddal mit kecsegtetsz?
Mért nevetsz felém?
Kétes kedvet mért csepegtetsz
Még most is belém?
Csak maradj magadnak!
Bíztatóm valál;
Hittem szép szavadnak:
Mégis megcsalál.
Kertem nárcisokkal
Végig űltetéd;
Csörgő patakokkal
Fáim éltetéd;
Rám ezer virággal
Szórtad a tavaszt
S égi boldogsággal
Fűszerezted azt.
Gondolatim minden reggel,
Mint a fürge méh,
Repkedtek a friss meleggel
Rózsáim felé.
Egy híjját esmértem
Örömimnek még:
Lilla szívét kértem;
S megadá az ég.
Jaj, de friss rózsáim
Forrásim, zőld fáim
Tavaszom, vígságom
Téli búra vált;
Régi jó világom
Méltatlanra szállt.
Óh! csak Lillát hagytad volna
Csak magát nekem:
Most panaszra nem hajolna
Gyászos énekem.
Karja közt a búkat
S a gyöngykoszorúkat
Nem irígyleném.
Hagyj el, óh Reménység!
Hagyj el engemet;
Mert ez a keménység
Úgyis eltemet.
Érzem: e kétségbe
Volt erőm elhágy,
Fáradt lelkem égbe,
Testem főldbe vágy.
Nékem már a rét hímetlen,
A mező kisűlt,
A zengő liget kietlen,
A nap éjre dűlt. –
Bájoló lágy trillák!
Tarka képzetek!
Kedv! Remények! Lillák!
Isten véletek! –
Berzsenyi Dániel: A közelítő tél (részlet)
Hervad már ligetünk, s díszei hullanak,
Tarlott bokrai közt sárga levél zörög.
Nincs rózsás labyrinth, s balzsamos illatok
Közt nem lengedez a Zephyr.
Berzsenyi Dániel: A magyarokhoz (I.) (részlet)
Romlásnak indult hajdan erős magyar!
Nem látod, Árpád vére miként fajul?
Nem látod a bosszús egeknek
Ostorait nyomorult hazádon?
Berzsenyi Dániel: Osztályrészem (részlet)
Partra szállottam. Levonom vitorlám.
A szelek mérgét nemesen kiálltam.
Sok Charybdis közt, sok ezer veszélyben
Izzada orcám.
Kölcsey Ferenc: Hymnus,
Isten, áldd meg a magyart
Jó kedvvel, bőséggel,
Nyújts feléje védő kart,
Ha küzd ellenséggel;
Bal sors akit régen tép,
Hozz rá víg esztendőt,
Megbűnhődte már e nép
A múltat s jövendőt!
Őseinket felhozád
Kárpát szent bércére,
Általad nyert szép hazát
Bendegúznak vére.
S merre zúgnak habjai
Tiszának, Dunának,
Árpád hős magzatjai
Értünk Kunság mezein
Ért kalászt lengettél,
Tokaj szőlővesszein
Nektárt csepegtettél.
Zászlónk gyakran plántálád
Vad török sáncára,
S nyögte Mátyás bús hadát
Bécsnek büszke vára.
Hajh, de bűneink miatt
Gyúlt harag kebledben,
S elsújtád villámidat
Dörgő fellegedben,
Most rabló mongol nyilát
Zúgattad felettünk,
Majd töröktől rabigát
Vállainkra vettünk.
Hányszor zengett ajkain
Ozman vad népének
Vert hadunk csonthalmain
Győzedelmi ének?
Hányszor támadt tennfiad
Szép hazám, kebledre,
S lettél magzatod miatt
Magzatod hamvvedre?
Bújt az üldözött s felé
Kard nyúl barlangjában,
Szerte nézett s nem lelé
Honját a hazában,
Bércre hág és völgybe száll,
Bú s kétség mellette,
Vérözön lábainál,
S lángtenger felette.
Vár állott, most kőhalom,
Kedv s öröm röpkedtek,
Halálhörgés, siralom
Zajlik már helyettek.
S ah, szabadság nem virúl
A holtnak véréből,
Kínzó rabság könnye hull
Árvánk hő szeméből!
Szánd meg Isten a magyart
Kit vészek hányának,
Nyújts feléje védő kart
Tengerén kínjának.
Balsors akit régen tép,
Hozz rá víg esztendőt,
Megbűnhődte már e nép
A múltat s jövendőt!
Vörösmarty Mihály: Szózat
Hazádnak rendületlenűl
Légy híve, ó magyar;
Bölcsőd az s majdan sírod is,
Mely ápol s eltakar.
A nagy világon e kivűl
Nincsen számodra hely;
Áldjon vagy verjen sors keze;
Itt élned, halnod kell.
Ez a föld, melyen annyiszor
Apáid vére folyt;
Ez, melyhez minden szent nevet
Egy ezredév csatolt.
Itt küzdtenek honért a hős
Árpádnak hadai;
Itt törtek össze rabigát
Hunyadnak karjai.
Szabadság! itten hordozák
Véres zászlóidat,
S elhulltanak legjobbjaink
A hosszu harc alatt.
És annyi balszerencse közt,
Oly sok viszály után,
Megfogyva bár, de törve nem,
Él nemzet e hazán.
S népek hazája, nagy világ!
Hozzád bátran kiált:
„Egy ezredévi szenvedés
Kér éltet vagy halált!”
Az nem lehet, hogy annyi szív
Hiába onta vért,
S keservben annyi hű kebel
Szakadt meg a honért.
Az nem lehet, hogy ész, erő
És oly szent akarat
Hiába sorvadozzanak
Egy átoksúly alatt.
Még jőni kell, még jőni fog
Egy jobb kor, mely után
Buzgó imádság epedez
Százezrek ajakán.
Vagy jőni fog, ha jőni kell,
A nagyszerű halál,
Hol a temetkezés fölött
Egy ország vérben áll.
S a sírt, hol nemzet sűlyed el,
Népek veszik körűl,
S az ember millióinak
Szemében gyászköny űl.
Légy híve rendületlenűl
Hazádnak, ó magyar:
Ez éltetőd, s ha elbukál,
Hantjával ez takar.
A nagy világon e kivűl
Nincsen számodra hely;
Áldjon vagy verjen sors keze:
Itt élned, halnod kell.
Petőfi Sándor: A bánat? egy nagy oceán…
A bánat? egy nagy oceán.
S az öröm?
Az óceán kis gyöngye. Talán,
Mire fölhozom, össze is töröm.
Petőfi Sándor: Fa leszek, ha…
Fa leszek, ha fának vagy virága.
Ha harmat vagy: én virág leszek.
Harmat leszek, ha te napsugár vagy…
Csak, hogy lényink egyesüljenek.
Ha, leányka, te vagy a mennyország:
Akkor én csillaggá változom.
Ha, leányka, te vagy a pokol: (hogy
Egyesüljünk) én elkárhozom.
Arany János: Toldi estéje (I. 1., VI. 28. versszak)
Őszbe csavarodott a természet feje,
Dérré vált a harmat, hull a fák levele,
Rövidebb, rövidebb lesz a napnak útja,
És hosszúkat alszik rá, midőn megfutja.
Megpihen legszélén az égi határnak
S int az öregeknek: „benneteket várlak!”
Megrezdűl a feje sok öregnek erre:
Egymásután mégis mennek a nyughelyre.
„Végső rendelkezést tennék: de hát minek?
Nem igen van: miről. S ha volna sincs: kinek.
Nem hagyok örököst… csak egy hű cselédet:
Azt kötöm szivedre - - meg a magyar népet.”
„Szeresd a magyart, de ne faragd le” - szóla,
„Erejét, formáját, durva kérgét róla:
Mert mi haszna símább, ha jól megfaragják?
Nehezebb eltörni a faragatlan fát.”
Ady Endre: Góg és Magóg fia vagyok én…
Góg és Magóg fia vagyok én,
Hiába döngetek kaput, falat
S mégis megkérdem tőletek:
Szabad-e sírni a Kárpátok alatt?
Verecke híres útján jöttem én,
Fülembe még ősmagyar dal rivall,
Szabad-e Dévénynél betörnöm
Új időknek új dalaival?
Fülembe forró ólmot öntsetek,
Legyek az új, az énekes Vazul,
Ne halljam az élet új dalait,
Tiporjatok reám durván, gazul.
De addig sírva, kínban, mit se várva
Mégiscsak száll új szárnyakon a dal
S ha elátkozza százszor Pusztaszer,
Mégis győztes, mégis új és magyar.
Ady Endre: Kocsi-út az éjszakában
Milyen csonka ma a Hold,
Az éj milyen sivatag, néma,
Milyen szomoru vagyok én ma,
Milyen csonka ma a Hold.
Minden Egész eltörött,
Minden láng csak részekben lobban,
Minden szerelem darabokban,
Minden Egész eltörött.
Fut velem egy rossz szekér,
Utána mintha jajszó szállna,
Félig mély csönd és félig lárma,
Fut velem egy rossz szekér.
I. There almost certainly is acceptance, and not a counteroffer, on [Party’s] part under UCC 2-207 (1).
UCC 2-207 (1) dictates that there is acceptance on part of the offeree even when additional or different terms are present in the transmission of acceptance when (1) there is a definite and seasonable expression of acceptance, or (2) there is a written confirmation sent within a reasonable time. However, if the additional or different terms present in the purported transmission of acceptance from the offeree back to the offeror are expressly conditional on the original offeror’s assent to the terms, then acceptance is not found and it instead operates as a counteroffer (and the offeree becomes the offeror and likewise on the original offeror’s part.)
Thus, the crux of this case begins with analyzing UCC 2-207(1), and answering the question “Is the transmission from [offeree to offeror] an acceptance or a counteroffer?”
There exists a strange state of contractual limbo under UCC 2-207 (1) when an offeree sends a purported transmission of acceptance with additional or different terms. This state of contractual limbo is aptly characterized as strange because the binary approach of seeing an offeree’s response as either an acceptance or a counteroffer does not work very well in cases like this. This is because acceptance is such a powerful act by the offeree that commences the beginning of a contract, and such commencement does not usually ever involve adding or altering terms when viewed from the lens of common law or traditional contract formation; it would instead be viewed as a counteroffer through that lens. To illustrate the power of acceptance, a very famous contracts law scholar, who shall remain unnamed, once jokingly remarked that acceptance was like a loud dramatic lightning strike in the background immediately proceeding from an offeree saying, “I accept,” acting as an omen that things are set in stone and cannot be undone from this point, i.e., no terms can be changed or added. That aside, in the modern age of Internet merchants, as is the case here, with all their licenses and box-top agreements rife with terms that differ or add to the original offer, UCC 2-207 (1) dictating whether acceptance or a counteroffer has been made likely works better than viewing through the lens of the traditional and common law view of the mirror image rule which is more suited to a one-off contract between two parties that are likely never to cross paths again. Understanding the cognitive dissonance from adding terms after acceptance has been rendered is not necessarily central to the dispute between [parties], but it is worth elaborating on because when 2-207 (1) is properly met, the additional and different terms are under the sill and eave of acceptance, and not in any way to be construed as creating a counteroffer. This in turn raises another question which will be addressed later, that being “what terms are part of the contract if there is acceptance?” Before grappling with that however, the original question of acceptance or counteroffer will be answered by examining the facts and likely arguments of [our client] and the [opposing party].
(a) Einen über dem pauschalierten Zinsschaden bestehenden konkreten Zinsschaden gem. §§ 280 I, II, 286 BGB hat die Klägerin nicht schlüssig dargelegt. Es handelt sich auch nicht um ein Entgeltforderung, an denen ein Verbraucher nicht beteiligt ist, § 288 Abs. 2 BGB.
a) Denn die Vollstreckungsabwehrklage findet auch auf Prozessvergleiche Anwendung, sofern nicht um die Wirksamkeit des Titels, sondern um den Anspruch selbst gestritten wird, §§ 795 S.1, 767 I ZPO.
c) Es ist den Parteien im Ausgangspunkt freigestellt, Vereinbarungen über die Fälligkeit einer Zahlung zu treffen, § 271 II Var.1 BGB.
3. Der Anspruch auf Zahlung von 220.000€ ist insgesamt fällig, § 271 BGB. Eine Einwendung der Klägerin gem. § 767 I ZPO besteht insofern nicht.
2. Die Klägerin hat gegenüber dem Beklagten einen Anspruch auf Zinsen in Höhe von 5 Prozentpunkten über dem Basiszinssatz seit dem 7.12.2008 gem. §§ 288 Abs. 1, 291, 187 Abs. 1 BGB.
a) Dem Schutzantrag des Beklagten gem. § 712 ZPO war nicht zu entsprechen. Die Vollstreckung ruft bei dem Beklagten keine nicht zu ersetzende Nachteile hervor.
Die Klageänderung des Antrags Ziffer 2 in eine Feststellungsklage ist zulässig, § 256 I ZPO.
(1) Der Beklagte konnte das Eigentum auch nicht durch durch einen gutgläubigen Erwerb gem. §§ 929, 932 BGB erwerben.
(5) Als Rechtsfolge lag durch die Leistung unter Vorbehalt keine "Leistungsbewirkung" iSv. § 362 I BGB vor.
bb) Für die Zahlung vom 21.3.2018 und die Rücküberweisung durch die Beklagte kann angesichts des Vorstehenden nichts anderes gelten. Denn hier wurde sogar die Überweisung selbst "Unter Vorbehalt" erbracht.
1. Die Klägerin und die Beklagte sind jeweils im Titel bezeichnet und daher aktiv- und passivlegitimiert.
In 1776, during the Industrial Revolution, Adam Smith wrote about a nation’s wealth. He argued that the wealth of a nation is determined by how much money its people can pile up. This depends on the nation’s income and the national output, which includes sectors like agriculture and manufacture. The key factor in this process is the ability to provide outputs efficiently, driving economic growth.
Australia experienced economic growth over the past 15 years. As the mortgage rate was halved, everyone could afford to borrow money, leading to a higher demand for accommodation. This demand was fueled by increasing immigration and the falling size of an average household, which also contributed to additional purchasing power. With a relatively stable housing supply, the housing price was inevitably pushed up
Mr. Vice-Chairman, I was speaking about the need for developing a strong U.N.delegation. I wish that the hon. Prime Minister would give his attention to this aspect of the matter particularly in view of the fact that in the next DECADE or two. politics all over the world would take on a COMPLEX character and it is necessary that men are trained from now on for taking part in international affairs. In the U.K. and the United States, such delegations are built with men who have wide knowledge of international affairs and there should be other (100) qualification for a man to be included In such a delegation. In this connection, I should also like to mention/that it is time for Government to develop sound CONVENTIONS regarding the conduct of foreign affairs. In the United States, they have accepted the principle of BIPARTISAN consultation on important affairs of policy. For example, when President Kennedy stood for / election, President Eisenhower, even during the period of the conduct of the CAMPAIGN of President Kennedy, kept him informed about/ najor developments in foreign affairs. We have seen our Government sending troops out of this country to the Congo and (200) at that time I had raised the point that before troops left our country for any ASSIGNMENTS of an unusual! character like the Congo assignnient, Members of the Opposition should be informally consulted. There will be no question of any / leakage of information whatever, if leaders in the Opposition are consulted on important aspects of foreign policy. The Consultative Committee of the External Affairs Ministry does go some way to meet the needs of exchanging, information about foreign affairs, but/. the informal consultation of the kind that I mention, where the Leader of the Opposition and leaders of other Parties (300) are called and told by the Prime Minister about unusual developments, would strengthen the convention that the foreign policy of the country has the support not only of the Congress Party but also of the entire country.
I was speaking/about our external publicity and it is a subject on which I think I can speak with some confidence es I have been an old time newspaperman in this country. The material which is sent out to foreign countries is extremely SCRAPPY, and useless. There is included in these messages some statement of what this Minister was saying somewhere. (400)
Mr. Vice-Chairman, I was speaking about the need for developing a strong U.N.delegation. I wish that the hon. Prime Minister would give his attention to this aspect of the matter particularly in view of the fact that in the next DECADE or two. politics all over the world would take on a COMPLEX character and it is necessary that men are trained from now on for taking part in international affairs. In the U.K. and the United States, such delegations are built with men who have wide knowledge of international affairs and there should be other (100) qualification for a man to be included In such a delegation. In this connection, I should also like to mention/that it is time for Government to develop sound CONVENTIONS regarding the conduct of foreign affairs. In the United States, they have accepted the principle of BIPARTISAN consultation on important affairs of policy. For example, when President Kennedy stood for / election, President Eisenhower, even during the period of the conduct of the CAMPAIGN of President Kennedy, kept him informed about/ najor developments in foreign affairs. We have seen our Government sending troops out of this country to the Congo and (200) at that time I had raised the point that before troops left our country for any ASSIGNMENTS of an unusual! character like the Congo assignnient, Members of the Opposition should be informally consulted. There will be no question of any / leakage of information whatever, if leaders in the Opposition are consulted on important aspects of foreign policy. The Consultative Committee of the External Affairs Ministry does go some way to meet the needs of exchanging, information about foreign affairs, but/. the informal consultation of the kind that I mention, where the Leader of the Opposition and leaders of other Parties (300) are called and told by the Prime Minister about unusual developments, would strengthen the convention that the foreign policy of the country has the support not only of the Congress Party but also of the entire country.
I was speaking/about our external publicity and it is a subject on which I think I can speak with some confidence es I have been an old time newspaperman in this country. The material which is sent out to foreign countries is extremely SCRAPPY, and useless. There is included in these messages some statement of what this Minister was saying somewhere. (400)
The reading and lecture both discuss competing theories about the truth of the Norse coin discovered at an archaeological site in the Maine State of America. While the article's author argues that the coin was placed at the site to mislead the public rather than as genuine historical evidence, the lecturer disputes the claims mentioned in the article. Her position is that several studies by some historians may support the discovery.
According to the reading, great distances between the site in Maine and other sites showing the Norse presence in North America, specifically eastern Canada, make it unreasonable to indicate that Norse coin is located there. The article mentions that these distances, being more than a thousand kilometers, have no actual link with well-documented settlements. This lecturer challenges this argument. She claims that the Norse didn't just carry coins but other objects with them during explorations. Additionally, she points out that the native Americans might travel a long distance to the settlements of the Norse and bring silver coins back.
Secondly, the author suggests the Canadian sites that were inhabited by the Norse. The article notes that the Norse didn't bring coins with them to residential areas, so no other coins have been unearthed there. The lecturer, however, asserts that the Norse didn't create permanent settlements in North America. She goes on to say that they took coins with them during voyaging and brought them back to Europe.
Finally, the author puts forth the idea that the native people in North America would not see the Nose coin as currency. The author disproves that the experienced explorers from Europe, like the Norse, should recognize that silver coins are meaningless to native North Americans. In contrast, the lecturer's stance is the attractive beauty and shining texture of silver coins. She says that this characteristic appealed to North Americans during that trading period. Therefore, they may value it as jewelry.
The article and lecture both discuss about the possibility of humans landing on the planet, Venus. While the author of the article argues that it is impossible to colonize Venus by giving three reasons, the lecturer disputes the claims mentioned in the article. His position is that all these points can be fixed individually, and he provides some reasonable solutions.
According to the reading, the author argues that atmospheric pressure is a problem. The article illustrates his point by providing an example. All spacecraft have been crushed once humans have landed on Venus within an hour because extreme pressure is 90 times greater than that at Earth's surface. This lecturer challenges this argument. He claims that a floating station is a method to avoid the high pressure. Additionally, he points out that the atmospheric pressure at a height of 50 km would be a normal pressure at the Earth's surface.
Secondly, the author suggests that oxygen and water are not well provided within Venus's atmosphere. The article notes that regular supply from Earth is not sustainable. However, the lecturer disproves the idea because he thinks that humans can extract oxygen and water from chemical materials, especially carbon dioxide, by experimenting with chemical reactions.
Finally, the author puts forth the idea that just about 40 percent of the sunlight is allowed to penetrate Venus's atmosphere. In contrast, the lecturer's stance is that there is an adequate amount of sunlight at a certain level above the surface. Moreover, he says that the station can utilize this circumstance by installing solar cells approximately above and below this level to obtain the source of electricity.
The reading and lecture are both about challenges and the possibility of spacecraft for humans exploring Mars in the future. While the author of the article argues that there are three main problems that need to be solved before executing manned space missions and sending astronauts into space, the lecturer disputes the claims mentioned in the article. Her position is that issues can be fixed in several ways.
According to the reading, the supply system has not been well-organized. The article mentions that supplies of food, water, and oxygen are limited because of the cargo capacity of space vehicles. The lecturer challenges this argument. She claims that the solution can be applied to the kind of hydro-devices containing usable food, drinkable and fresh water with the usage of little space.
Secondly, the author suggests a harmful environment with a zero-gravity effect. The article notes that this is negative for the human body by decreasing muscle mass and weakening bone density during long-term traveling. The lecturer, however, asserts that some measurements, including regular exercising, can release this damage. Additionally, she goes on to say that astronauts are well-trained and have the techniques to avoid being hurt by zero gravity.
Finally, the author puts forth the idea that astronauts would be under the circumstances of the exposition to dangerous levels of space radiation. The author contends that constructing a shield to protect them from being hurt by charged particles emitted by the Sun might add too much weight to the spacecraft. In contrast, the lecturer's attitude is positive. She says that they can monitor the occasional solar radiation by using instruments.
While I appreciate the points mentioned by both Miles and Lyndia, I think that it is more important for a company to invest in training its employees rather than hiring new ones with skilled working abilities but lacking experience within this company. Loyalty is also an essential managing strategy for supervisors handling several complex projects. Remember that people staying in a company for many years may have a wide range of skills to deal with all the particular circumstances that outsiders may not have encountered before. Therefore, it is crucial for managers to preserve their employees as well-organized and valuable partners. Although some people may think it is harmful when employees lose their passion for working, it is still vital to ensure that the operations can continue smoothly.
Am Juliet am 31 years old a student of Brigham Young University a member of the church of Jesus Christ of the latter days saint. always want to be self reliance in life working toward my goal each day is one of my greatest happiness and with the help of our Heavenly father I am getting closer to my dream.
Gamma, Galan, and their tortoise friend Zachary are headed to Antigua, Guatemala to catch a show at the Pink Pony Club. The trio secured tickets to the coveted Chappell Roan residency. They are also excited to reunite with their dachshund friend Bijoux, who owns the club.
abcd 123 and this is nice
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass, against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.
I came down from my omnipresent throne of love in the bosom of space and in the hearts of twinkling lights to find a cozy place in the heart of man. I stayed there long, shut out from my large, large home. I was everywhere; then hid myself away in the small places. Now I come out of my hiding places. I open the gates of the human limitations of family, caste, color and creed. I am racing everywhere to feel again my consciousness of omnipresence.