תגובות אחרונות


John Berger
check grammar spaces and spelling please

hindi me kaise type kare nahi ho raha hai

William H. Rehnquist
How hasn't this bullshit been removed yet?

Thank you! I got my new highest speed on this one!


praepes's ציטוטים

הכול ציטוטים

Kaworu Nagisa - Hedgehog's dilemma
Are you that afraid of other people? I know that by keeping others at a distance you avoid a betrayal of your trust, for while you may not be hurt that way, but you mustn't forget that you must endure the loneliness. Man cannot erase this sadness, because all men are fundamentally alone.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, stated by Sherlock Holmes - On Abductive Reasoning
"That process," said I, "starts upon the supposition that when you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. It may well be that several explanations remain, in which case one tries test after test until one or other of them has a convincing amount of support...

Bertrand Russell - The importance of Philosophy
To teach how to live without certainty, and yet without being paralyzed by hesitation, is perhaps the chief thing that philosophy, in our age, can still do for those who study it.