תגובות אחרונות

Curtis Baldwin
heh heh

A chick that works in a cubicle
Yeah, why don't you find a job you enjoy?? Like, what's stopping you from becoming …

Sure, but this works both ways. Same as you can have a terrible first half …

Dakota Allen
Something is preventing me from finishing this quote.



maggy's ציטוטים

הכול ציטוטים

E. Yudkowsky - HPMOR
Then he opened his door and went back downstairs. His father was sitting in the living-room and reading a book of higher maths to show how smart he was; and his mother was in the kitchen preparing one of his father's favourite meals to show how loving she was. It didn't look like they were talking to one another at all. As scary as arguments could be, not arguing was somehow much worse.

E. Yudkowsky - HPMOR
Now, just to be clear," Harry said, "if the professor does levitate you, Dad, when you know you haven't been attached to any wires, that's going to be sufficient evidence. You're not going to turn around and say that it's a magician's trick. That wouldn't be fair play. If you feel that way, you should say so now, and we can figure out a different experiment instead.