jogri Joshua Griffin

הודעות ציטוטים שותפו

Trend over 2406 games.
דירוג 61168 / 331796
מספר משחקים 2406
המשחק הטוב ביותר 108.06
מהירות אחרונה
ממוצע המשחקים האחרונים
מהירות ישנה
ממוצע המשחקים הראשונים
מהירות לכל עת 69.89
דיוק אחרון
ממוצע המשחקים האחרונים
דיוק ישן
ממוצע המשחקים הראשונים
המהירות מוצגת ב מילים לדקה (מילים לדקה).
הדיוק מציין כמה מדויק אתה במהלך מבחן ההקלדה. 100% משמעו אפס שגיאות.


jogri 2 שנים לפני
2022-09-09_ And after a few more tests here are my latest results; however, the averages might still be a little skewed by past results.

Recent speed = 43.34
Recent accuracy = 95.17%
jogri 2 שנים לפני
2022-09-09_ So now I've modified my form again. Choosing to try proper form for all of my finger placement and letter strikes. Paying attention to hitting each letter with the ideal finger, e.g. q,a,z with left pinky. x with ring, c with middle, u with index, and 0, p, -, and / with right pinky. Also trying to hit spacebar with my right thumb. And optimizing shift presses for each hand.
My speed is going to tank again, but I think my accuracy might actually improve now that finger placement should be more consistent.
jogri 2 שנים לפני
2022-09-08_ Quick update. I feel like I'm hitting a little bit of a plateau. But perseverance has served me well until now, so let's keep at it--mindfully of course.

Recent speed = 66.84
Recent accuracy = 94.33%
jogri 2 שנים, חודש 1 לפני
2022-08-23_ More practice, just getting slowly better. Quite linearly actually which is strange. Interestingly, most times when I casually type on the keyboard while going about my day, I'm still defaulting to index finger on spacebar duty. Let's see if I can't change that.

Recent speed = 68.60
Recent accuracy = 95.20%
jogri 2 שנים, חודש 1 לפני
2022-08-17_ We still climbing. Recently been practicing a bit on my normal keyboard and my laptop keyboard. Split keyboard can go live in a hole for now.

Recent speed = 60.78
Recent accuracy = 94.56%
jogri 2 שנים, חודש 1 לפני
2022-08-14_ P.S. I'm about even with my original speed and accuracy averages from when I first joined Keyhero so it should only be upward again from here. :D
jogri 2 שנים, חודש 1 לפני
2022-08-14_ Still progressing with my new typing style. Using more of my pinky fingers and left thumb spacebar. Still doesn't feel as natural as pressing space with my right index but we're getting there. Giving up on the split keyboard but keeping the good habits.

Recent speed = 59.14
Recent accuracy = 93.20%
stephends 2 שנים, 2 חודשים לפני
I really admire the journals you've been doing. I'm quite sure you'll reach your WPM goal.

My tip is: Try to focus on accuracy. Your speed may fall short, but after a while, it will catch up. I assure you, it's worth it. GL!
jogri 2 שנים, 2 חודשים לפני
2022-08-05_ So another day of me modifying my typing. I'm slowly folding in better habits. Left thumb spacebar is making sense, so now I'm including my left pinky in typing a's and q's. Apostrophes are still a bit of an issue though. But I'm getting there.

Recent speed = 50.69
Recent accuracy = 90.76%
jogri 2 שנים, 2 חודשים לפני
2022-07-31_ After going back to the old keyboard, and using my right index finger to press the spacebar again. I feel SO much more comfortable typing again. It kinda makes me dread trying to learn the split keyboard again. Though arguably I'm just on the hump of learning. I HAVE felt the niceness of the thumb spacebar just happening for me sometimes. But for the most part it is just uncomfortable. All the fingers feel lost. It's gross when compared to the old way.

מבחני הקלדה אחרונים

Kurzgesagt 41.90 79.7% 10 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
Greg Himblebottom 9.91 71.0% 10 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
Suzanne Collins 66.96 92.6% 10 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
Grainger, Stevenson, Chang 75.41 91.6% 10 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
Rupi Kaur 67.98 91.1% 10 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
Joseph Fink 81.02 96% 10 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
Liam V.T. 75.08 95.9% 10 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
Old English Tale 88.33 98.1% 10 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
Doctor Who - Day of the Doctor 69.21 93.7% 10 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
MEEEE 72.81 92.6% 10 חודשים, 3 שבועות לפני
The trend line on my graph tells a story.

I started with bad habits (right index spacebar) and got pretty fast. From 50 > 70 WPM with heights of 100wpm on other 1 min tests.

Then I recalibrated my striking pattern to use my left thumb on spacebar and that was the first dip. I got back to nearly 70 wpm average.

The next dip was when I recalibrated again, to have a right thumb spacebar, and overall update my striking pattern to be true to the home row method. And overcome bad habits from index spacebar striking days (like using right middle for U).

Now I have good typing form at ~70 wpm average, and I'm hoping to reach a consistent 80+ wpm with accuracy >97.5% here.

Side goals on Monkeytype are:
1) 80wpm - english 5k 100 words
2) 100wpm - english 60 seconds
התחברות אחרונה 11 חודשים לפני
תאריך הצטרפות 3 שנים, 7 חודשים לפני
מקלדת / לפטופ N/A
מיפוי מקלדת QWERTY
שימוש-במחשב 4-8 שעות / יום
ציטוטים 1



