Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll

This quote נוסף על ידי evankersey
Alice thought she might as well go back and see how the game was going on, as she heard the Queen's voice in the distance, screaming with passion. She had already heard her sentence three of the players to be executed for having missed their turns, and she did not like the look of things at all, as the game was in such confusion that she never knew whether it was her turn or not.

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
geoffhuang3 156.07 96.2%
geoffhuang 149.56 97.0%
ilovejujubee 148.63 99.0%
2001or2 145.69 91.6%
tsukasa 143.65 97.7%
xmaddockmark 143.38 99.5%
treemeister 140.46 95.3%
user267992 136.13 98.5%
cornishacid 134.98 98.5%
stormspirit97 129.91 95.0%

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
jessc.90 64.01 94.6%
austinavalle 84.47 93.6%
hetty5 73.55 98.5%
user107824 49.26 92.3%
rkoh 86.98 92.7%
user93811 90.40 96.5%
ltz0 80.76 95.0%
the_hornburg 77.39 95.7%