Judicial Precedent - Lord Dennings

This quote נוסף על ידי user40981
A rule as to precedent (which any court lays down for itself) is not a rule of law at all. It is simply a rule of practice or usage laid down by the court itself for its own guidance and, as such, the successors of that court can alter that practice or amend it or set up other guidelines. Just as the HL did in 1966.

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2.5 out of 5 based on 16 ratings.

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
eventlogging 170.00 100%
rivendellis 113.70 95.8%
pho_justice 109.64 96.1%
munchkinbug 105.36 99.1%
staylor1014 103.16 95.8%
jan_londen 102.76 97.8%
afbwelter 100.97 98.1%
suzannemyrice 100.60 96.6%
lisaveebee 98.47 98.8%
silverlegend 97.50 99.7%

לאחרונה עבור

שם מילים לדקה דיוק
user107887 30.41 94.1%
rhonamaezing 70.39 96.6%
thecrazydane2 58.69 89.5%
user107692 60.23 98.1%
thecrazydane2 63.63 91.9%
sitesh01 62.78 92.2%
user922855 25.53 96.1%
user97952 36.02 89.5%