The Meaning Behind Everything - Anonymous

This quote נוסף על ידי hoster_95
Life is full of lessons, from the most obvious don't run with scissors, to the most hidden true beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but what does all this amount to? What do the most experienced learners and most humbled people gain in the end for all their troubles? Maybe they should ask the Big Guy they end up meeting in the kingdom of the clouds, He might know what they gain.

אמן על פי ציטוט זה

דרג ציטוט זה:
2.4 out of 5 based on 11 ratings.

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Score (מילים לדקה) הפצה לציטוט זה. עוד.

התוצאות הטובות ביותר עבור typing test

שם מילים לדקה דיוק
eventlogging 170.00 100%
user37933 146.81 99.0%
hackertyper492 136.44 95.5%
feuv 134.23 96.5%
dvorakptreg 125.06 100%
ragdollcatte 114.75 98.7%
agndesigns 106.98 99.7%
aliciawise 106.36 100%
user38817 106.15 98.4%
allanw5 102.75 98.2%

לאחרונה עבור

שם מילים לדקה דיוק
ultra_penguin 85.86 98.0%
maadj 69.41 92.1%
moonmoonfoot 68.14 96.5%
queenrita124 47.70 98.2%
bkbroiler 61.86 87.5%
hackertyper492 136.44 95.5%
user107386 49.36 89.3%
user79004 67.83 95.8%