First Love Confession - Anonymous

This quote נוסף על ידי kang_22
What I asked for was a wonderful romantic relationship. However, that person didn't love me back. I read a book written by Maugham before. There was a review of the book. He said, there is a void in everyone's heart. However, the void can only be filled with a piece of the same shape. It may not be perfect, it may be distorted, but if the void is not filled by that very person, this spot will always feel empty.

אמן על פי ציטוט זה

דרג ציטוט זה:
3 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
penguino_beano 144.12 96.7%
user491757 135.14 98.8%
dcb87 124.10 98.3%
strikeemblem 120.03 98.8%
iltranscendent 117.70 97.4%
rivendellis 110.68 95.8%
joethestickguy 109.48 94.1%
bbuell01 106.98 94.3%
chronocasio 106.68 98.6%
mr_snow 106.11 99.8%

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
ulixxe 51.53 98.3%
matthewpiring03 91.42 94.5%
jellyvanessa 93.34 95.6%
user238034 66.88 92.6%
rkoh 83.08 93.7%
ellxi39 94.81 95.4%
user97523 84.52 95.6%
dcb87 124.10 98.3%