It Has to be This Way - Metal Gear Rising

This quote נוסף על ידי mattress000
Standing here, I realize you were just like me trying to make history. But who's to judge the right from wrong. When our guard is down I think we'll both agree, that violence breeds violence. But in the end, it has to be this way. I've carved my own path, you've followed your wrath, but maybe we're both the same. The world has turned, and so many have burned, but nobody is to blame. Yet staring across this barren wasted land, I feel new life could be born beneath the blood stained sand.

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3.9 out of 5 based on 7 ratings.

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
user491757 148.02 97.8%
venerated 143.99 97.0%
iltranscendent 132.41 98.6%
2001or2 131.46 94.6%
user975182 129.42 94.3%
user375364 125.51 97.2%
kenneth27 125.46 97.6%
mrlazav 122.98 96.3%
gordonlew 122.27 97.5%
penguino_beano 121.71 94.3%

לאחרונה עבור

שם מילים לדקה דיוק
oswald_dimbulb 79.71 94.4%
spritz0016 83.17 97.8%
fueledbypanda 93.32 99.4%
alyroy 76.93 95.9%
mockingbird561 31.36 89.3%
elux 44.52 89.9%
judeamr 65.42 94.8%
rozzz 68.17 96.1%