The Prophecy - The Oracle of Delphi - Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters

This quote נוסף על ידי k.mag488
Long ago, before our time, before Olympus and the gods, Titans ruled the world. Led by Kronos, a force so evil he devoured his own children. But three of his sons escaped. Zeus, Hades and Poseidon. They destroyed Kronos and banished his remains to the depths of Tartarus. But, Kronos is fated to rise again, to exact his vengeance on Olympus, and the world. Only one half-blood child of the three eldest gods can defeat him. This child shall be our salvation, or the cause of our destruction.

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vladimir_putin 200.00 100%
berryberryberry 131.19 96.9%
keyherohero 126.87 95.7%
venerated 124.99 96.5%
destiny-00 118.55 96.1%
feuv 118.08 98.8%
seantype2510 115.15 97.2%
hippogriffo 114.99 92.7%
cosnzaid 111.34 96.5%
user717489 111.15 96.1%

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
ashields2018 68.66 97.6%
ccr712 52.70 92.0%
smartboynaresh 64.29 89.8%
user888480 18.39 92.5%
thegamingdeputy 92.22 93.4%
jacqueline1234 91.70 93.5%
historialdirect 93.26 95.9%
bp.kuma 56.21 94.1%