It's just a ride - James "Maynard" Keenan

This quote נוסף על ידי kyle_w
Behind all the dark humor, Bill was talking about the same things I'd read in Joseph Campbell. If you look at things, really look, if you lift the veil, you start to recognize that light is love, is infinite, is unconditional. Bill was saying that once you understand the nature of nature, you can let go of difficulties and sign on for the ride - knowing that it's just a ride.

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
user871724 156.43 97.7%
typingmaster123 156.33 100%
user64764 142.61 96.4%
user491757 137.03 97.7%
venerated 136.65 96.7%
hokievolblazer 136.20 99.5%
user697099 135.10 93.8%
vanilla 134.24 97.2%
kenneth27 133.09 99.2%
onetwothreefour1234 131.64 98.7%

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
milumakayie 65.85 91.1%
huntergordon 64.76 95.5%
t-_oze 47.88 92.4%
sitesh01 63.06 89.6%
zeravla708 77.67 97.4%
user106998 73.75 93.8%
_96k 90.19 96.9%
user107477 36.17 95.9%