Guy's Hopsital - John Keats

This quote נוסף על ידי louistern34
To think there is blood all over his young hands. To think that in a handful of months he will be conjuring nymphs, hummingbirds, and roses with those hands like an ink-stained magician as we listen and wonder and wonder. But meantime there is the body laid out in front of him, the heavy silver of the knife. Just beneath the soft skin, a heart beating, and he knows what each artery is named. A spirit alive in the bones and he knows what each ache means and how to turn it into birdsong.

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
destiny2 169.02 98.8%
venerated 144.60 97.4%
user401321 141.95 95.7%
user291759 141.81 97.8%
applesonlsd 139.79 96.6%
feuv 137.90 98.8%
berryberryberry 134.80 91.7%
iltranscendent 132.56 98.8%
promethes 130.99 99.4%
sil 130.63 97.0%

לאחרונה עבור

שם מילים לדקה דיוק
destiny2 169.02 98.8%
user836398 24.93 86.0%
hmyerscoomer 62.47 88.6%
user99861 51.28 92.3%
distillator 54.71 86.4%
kkk 52.75 92.1%
pankhuri7 13.60 68.9%
drtyrant 70.97 92.5%