The O.C. - Ryan Atwood

This quote נוסף על ידי princezzemily12
Modern medicine is advancing to the point where the average human life span will be a hundred. But I read this article which said Social Security is supposed to run out by the year 2025, which means people are gonna have to stay in their jobs until they're 80. So I don't wanna commit to anything too soon.

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user871724 157.37 97.8%
venerated 145.45 100%
zhengfeilong 135.14 97.8%
user491757 133.07 95.9%
bennyues 129.70 95.9%
segeeslice 129.05 98.4%
penguino_beano 128.68 97.1%
strikeemblem 128.45 97.5%
user64764 127.45 92.7%
junkbaby 127.20 98.4%

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
lina2 72.56 97.8%
zitro89 59.12 95.0%
queenrita124 73.37 95.0%
foroughmotavaf 22.37 97.8%
raholiver 86.44 97.5%
mariasolos 49.69 96.5%
evediaz88 64.19 86.5%
user78528 73.17 91.4%