Big Boss's Final Speech To Solid Snake MGS4 - Konami

This quote נוסף על ידי chaoman121
The Boss and I may have chosen different paths, but in the end we were both trapped inside the same cage, liberty. But you, you have been given freedom, freedom to be outside. You are nobody's tool now, no one's toy. You are no longer a prisoner of fate. You are no longer a seed of war. It's time for you to see the outside world with your own eyes. Your body and your soul are your own. Forget about us. Live for yourself, and find a new lease on life.

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3.5 out of 5 based on 22 ratings.

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
eventlogging 170.00 100%
crl9k 128.42 98.9%
lytewerk 123.86 97.4%
vmlm 120.78 96.6%
ilovejujubee 119.62 97.5%
st4ycl4ssy 118.59 99.3%
knobtwiddler 117.43 97.0%
guolin 116.69 98.9%
liquidmamba 115.23 99.1%
jan_londen 112.88 97.0%

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
maadj 62.18 91.1%
user99861 53.31 94.8%
user107694 52.19 93.6%
bigweewee 64.81 93.0%
ohmaigawditsher 67.74 96.0%
rozzz 67.80 97.2%
user97523 82.85 94.0%
user957906 34.12 92.1%