Don's Sea Burial - Lenny Abrahamson

This quote נוסף על ידי comedyke
Hey, partner. I remember you saying the desert here was your favorite place in the whole world. After Sea World San Diego... I know you were homesick. I know there were times you wanted to come back here, but you didn't because of me. Well, you're home now.

אמן על פי ציטוט זה

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3.0 out of 5 based on 42 ratings.

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Score (מילים לדקה) הפצה לציטוט זה. עוד.

התוצאות הטובות ביותר עבור typing test

שם מילים לדקה דיוק
treemeister 152.23 98.1%
zhengfeilong 146.25 100%
user66168 142.76 100%
hackertyper492 137.01 95.9%
yayobrayo 132.34 96.6%
mothertrucker 130.57 95.5%
user271120 129.60 98.8%
lirich90 128.98 99.6%
fishless 124.90 96.6%
stillow 124.46 98.1%

לאחרונה עבור

שם מילים לדקה דיוק
ploshqueme 73.15 99.6%
5unfl0w3r5 38.50 92.8%
donoshea 66.70 83.4%
user100536 32.18 93.8%
user107526 46.13 99.6%
user100536 30.22 91.1%
tsquared76 71.92 91.8%
user381085 119.36 94.7%