Cape Fear - Wesley Strick

This quote נוסף על ידי noggie
We never spoke about what happened, at least not to each other. Fear, I suppose, that to remember his name and what he did would mean letting him into our dreams. And me, I hardly dream about him anymore. Still, things won't ever be the way they were before he came. But that's alright, because if you hang onto the past, you die a little every day. And for myself, I know I'd rather live.

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gbzaid 146.88 98.7%
eweclear 146.53 98.7%
user69245 143.45 97.0%
hunterz1200 142.73 97.7%
berryberryberry 141.50 94.7%
kitesinflight 139.39 99.0%
mustelidae 137.89 98.0%
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shariqueahmer 136.65 97.3%
zaoxa 134.34 96.3%

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user69750 53.32 95.3%
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vishal 91.55 93.1%
kpractice 65.50 90.3%
dante-didit 109.10 97.0%
user624151 69.52 95.6%
kely 56.87 95.6%
sizzle_slime 102.14 95.6%