Aristotle Quotes - Aristotle

This quote נוסף על ידי cutebunny224
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. Happiness depends upon ourselves. Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.

אמן על פי ציטוט זה

דרג ציטוט זה:
3.7 out of 5 based on 92 ratings.

ערוך טקסט

ערוך יוצר וכותרת

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Score (מילים לדקה) הפצה לציטוט זה. עוד.

התוצאות הטובות ביותר עבור typing test

שם מילים לדקה דיוק
user960677 139.16 98.4%
cspenguino 132.38 98.6%
gbzaid 129.44 96.2%
ze_or 128.98 96.6%
doesho 125.28 97.5%
zhengfeilong 123.42 97.9%
techintosh12 122.05 97.9%
laserray33 121.58 98.8%
missarkansas 121.45 93.2%
ilovejujubee 120.95 97.3%

לאחרונה עבור

שם מילים לדקה דיוק
huntergordon 67.15 97.7%
rumi_25 77.31 98.2%
mockingbird561 39.91 95.5%
user107405 60.78 97.7%
matrixx 101.27 97.9%
user533356 62.29 94.5%
msorscher 76.71 98.8%
jgdude 115.11 96.4%