Kellogg - Fallout 4

This quote נוסף על ידי smc792
The thing about happiness is that you only know you had it when it's gone. I mean, you may think to yourself that you're happy. But you don't really believe it. You focus on the petty bullshit, or the next job, or whatever. It's only looking back by comparison with what comes after that you really understand, that's what happiness felt like.

אמן על פי ציטוט זה

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3.6 out of 5 based on 7 ratings.

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
inw_typer 137.00 96%

לאחרונה עבור

שם מילים לדקה דיוק
inw_typer 93.00 91.9%
inw_typer 82.00 92.3%
inw_typer 93.00 91.6%
inw_typer 115.00 92%
inw_typer 137.00 96%
inw_typer 115.00 100%