Останні коментарі

so many words to say nothing

this may be the dumbest quote I've read on here. At least it wasn't about …


J.K. Rowling
Everything is very open with a very clear description of the issues. It was informative. …

Theodore Dalrymple
Pelo amor de Cristo, que texto deplorável.


corgi's цитат

Усі цитат

Corgi - Letter To My Love.
My Love, Now you'll probably never see this cause you know, insecurities but like I liked that we talked last night, it was good, I haven't spoken to you in ages! Ahh why am I writing this letter... good question, haha... Imagine if I mailed this to you, lol. Ahem anywho where was I... Ahhh... Oh yeah I like talking to you when we can, right now I'm listening to a love song and well it reminded me of you and so that's why I'm writing this. I have much I want to say but for now this is bye! Love ____.

Corgi - Life
Life, life is interesting, no? Well, many people have different opinions on that which is what the interesting part of it. What would we do if we didn't think of all the possibilities that could happen...