user567589 Stephen Mathew


Trend over 802 games.
Ранг 53496 / 331565
Кількість ігор 802
Найкраща гра 95.10
Остання швидкість
середнє за останні ігри
Стара швидкість
середнє за перші ігри
Швидкість за весь час 64.49
Остання точність
середнє за останні ігри
Стара точність
середнє за перші ігри
Швидкість виражена в Слів за хвилину (Слів за хвилину).
Точність вказує на те, наскільки точно ви вводите під час тесту на набір тексту. 100% означає 0 помилок.


kiriiya 2 роки, 11 місяців тому
Good boys, both of you. It seems that master has finally whipped you into shape :)
kiriiya 2 роки, 11 місяців тому
Incel moment? Little man clearly doesn't know what 'ignoring' means. Also wtf is a "sense of discern?" 2 роки, 11 місяців тому
Jeez it's so ironic and hypocritical how she goes around and checks our profiles for when someone speaks of her, while ruthlessly insulting and leaving mean comments on other people's profiles and quotes. Yeah I've also been ignoring her for a while. She's definitely a sadist and one of those easy life princess b****es and even still tried to provoke me. But I don't care at this point I love the positive side of the community on this website and people like you who have some sense of discern.
kiriiya 2 роки, 12 місяців тому
You're the ones who commented on my profile, gremlins. You just need to get real, little man.
user567589 2 роки, 12 місяців тому
Yeah... What about we just both agree to ignore Kiriiya? The only way to defeat a troll is to ignore them. Kiriiya feeds on reaction, usually negative ones (basically some sort of sadist), if we don’t give Kiriiya that opportunity, she can’t be motivated by our frustration.
kiriiya 2 роки, 12 місяців тому
That's a very bad boy sabih... your master is very disappointed, you will have to be reprimanded. 2 роки, 12 місяців тому
Hey man I know exactly how you feel about Kiriiya, and I've tried talking some sense to that self-absorbed asshole but to no avail. I guess it's best to keep to the good people around. But yeah it was kind of entertaining for me to see how pathetic a person could be so yeah lol.
fiddledy_rick 2 роки, 12 місяців тому
Wait a second, your tip to improve typing is IN YOUR HEART?????? I GOT IT YES THANK YOU.....
fiddledy_rick 2 роки, 12 місяців тому
lol NOOO I will be forever disappointed and sad...
user567589 2 роки, 12 місяців тому
Sorry I just had a stroke, while I was typing that sentence, my real tip to improve typing is

Останні тести на набір тексту

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